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School Superintendents and a representative from all Bronze, Silver and Gold schools are invited to a Buga PBISaz Award Breakfast on November 8, 2018 at Black Canyon Conference Center hosted by the business community. Award winners and all schools can register to attend the southwest PBIS Conference, BET-C.org, starting immediately after breakfast.
2018 Gold Awards
High Fidelity PBIS at Tier 1/2/3 + two years of student improvement data
PBIS Impact
Students at Trailside Point consistently demonstrate our Panther P.A.C.T. The school wide expectations are observed by staff, students, parents and community members. The continued implementation of PBIS creates a positive culture and environment with student learning being the focal point. Since the implementation of PBIS, the number of Office Discipline Referrals at Trailside Point decreased from 1,280 in 2012 to 229 in 2018. Staff members participate in meetings to analyze data which drives instruction and behavioral interventions to help all students succeed socially and academically.
PBIS Impact
PBIS has had a positive impact on both the students and staff at Nadaburg Elementary School. Since implementing PBIS on our campus, our office referrals have decreased from 780 referrals in the 2014-15 school year to a total of 281 during the 2017-18 school year. Staff can be observed catching students following the school wide expectations and students are working hard daily to be recognized for being respectful, responsible, and safe. When mistakes are made, students are given the opportunity to reflect on their behavior and are able to work through positive choices that can be made to change student behavior. By reducing the number of office referrals, Nadaburg Elementary has increased the amount of time students are in the classroom and engaged in their own learning. By increasing the amount of student engagement within the classroom, Nadaburg’s academic data has also increased. In 2014-15 school year 17.8% of the students passed AzMerit in the area of ELA and 16.5% of the students passed in the area of math. In the 2016-17 school year, we had 25.8% of the students pass in ELA and 24% passed in math. Our team is greatly looking forward to continuing PBIS in our school and watching the growth in student achievement and the positive culture that is being built at Nadaburg Elementary School.
PBIS Impact
Lowell School is an elementary school that serves about 550 students in Kindergarten through 8th grade. Implementing PBIS has positively impacted our school’s campus. PBIS is ingrained into our school culture and the effects are showing! As our behavior decreases, our academic achievement increases. Students and teachers use a common language to talk about behavior and there is a consistency about responding to behavior that wasn’t present before we implemented PBIS. In the last 4 years, we have seen a decrease of suspensions by 31%. Positive language is present on our campus and it is not uncommon to hear 1st graders talk about being accountable and respectful. Our campus has benefited from PBIS and we look forward to our progress and growth in the coming years.
PBIS Impact
PBIS has essentially changed the organizational culture of Bethune school. The quantitative data offered by the attached graphs demonstrates the change offered in numbers but the overall feeling you get on campus has also changed. The qualitative data speaks volumes as well. Volunteers and families who step on campus share they notice the changes. It has been stated repeatedly how respectful and positive our students have become. Volunteers have also shared on several occasions they can feel how much the students are cared for by adults on campus. Over the past two years specifically we have seen very high staff retention as well as increase in teachers using the PBIS system with fidelity. Our PBIS team has remained committed and diligent in our Tier 1, 2 and 3 efforts. We make sure to fix things that are not working, utilize climate surveys to drive positive changes and to find tune our system to change with the school’s needs. This past year when school grades came out we were thrilled to go from a “D” to a “B”. This is a testament to all the hard work over the past 5 years.
2018 Silver Awards
High Fidelity PBIS at Tier 1 with some Tier 2/3 + one year of student improvement
PBIS Impact
PBIS has impacted Paseo Hills School in a variety of ways. As of 5.29.2018, our overall discipline is down 21% from 2016 to 2017. As a PBIS team, we meet monthly to review discipline data to determine grade bands that need further support. We also discuss processes and procedures in place to ensure it is aligned with our campus needs. Our campus has seen an improvement in academics and time in the class as a result of our PBIS system including the use of Restorative Practices.
PBIS Impact
Cheatham has seen many positive changes is our school since implementing PBIS. As a result of our strong Tier 1 implementation, our school has been showing growth in not only areas of behavior but in academics as well. The students have become very consistent at knowing and understanding our behavior system; PAWS, and how to model it on a daily basis. We have developed a mentor program that allows our older students to mentor our younger students and build positive relationships all across the campus. PBIS has provided Cheatham students with consistency and has given teachers an array strategies to use to help with classroom management and behavior.
PBIS Impact
During the 2017-2018 school year- Desert Meadows had a makeover of their PBIS program. We took what was just posters on the walls to actual implementation that changed every aspect of our campus. At the start of the year we implemented T.R.A.C.K (trustworthy, respect, accountability, collaboration, kind) and did away with the Bobcat Code (a lengthy 10 point document). The impact was tremendous in numerous areas around the school. The largest impact we saw everyday in every way was in the positive interactions the students had with each other and especially with staff interactions. Surprisingly this almost had a tremendous impact on how the staff treated each other and spoke with the kids. Our ODR rate is trending down but the data point we are the most proud of is our disproportionality related to African American students. Our most recent months data indicated African American students were 1.16 more likely to get a referral as opposed to 5.4% in 2016-2017, with 46% of students being African American-this had a large and visible impact. Lastly, the school saw a dramatic increase of parental involvement because of the PBIS procedures in place that was communicated to the community. Our families knew if there students were a tier 1,2,3 student and that was a great thing for the success of the campus.
PBIS Impact
MC Cash students and staff have been RACEing to excellence throughout the 2017-18 school year! Our focus this year was to revise, train, and recommit to all practices of PBIS, which has had many positive results. Retraining PBIS practices ensured MC Cash has school wide implementation. This training resulted in a 42 percentage point gain on the SET Evaluation from August of 2016 to December of 2017. Staff and students have a common language and understanding of RACE expectations which has made expectations consistent across the campus. Focusing on classroom vs. office managed behaviors has resulted in the reduction of ODR’s for minor behaviors over the course of the past year. Students have been recognized over 10,000 times for following RACE expectations. Tracking student risk factors through the SRSS has allowed the PBIS team to identify students that may require additional supports and interventions. Analysis of monthly ODR data has allowed for additional support to be provided for problem behaviors resulting in a marked decrease in the problem behaviors of disorderly conduct, defiance, and aggression keeping us well under the national average for schools of similar size and make-up. Reducing ODR’s has kept more students in class, contributing to the increase in students achievement on the Galileo post assessment.
PBIS Impact
In our second year, we have a lot to be proud of at Paseo Pointe, and our PBIS RISE to Success program has helped us get there. Using our 2016-17 data, we planned and refined PBIS lessons and activities to increase our school safety and improve student behavior. At the beginning of the school year, 100% of classified and certified staff were trained on the implementation of our PBIS RISE to Success program, as evidenced in our SET score of 100%. In order to reinforce our RISE expectations, our school media club produces a weekly newscast, called RAM News, in which target matrix behaviors are reviewed, and students are reminded to RISE to success. In addition, morning announcements feature a weekly matrix behavior focus based on data discussed at our monthly PBIS meetings, as well as drawings for RAM Bucks and RISE Rewards. With our consistent focus on reinforcing positive behaviors, we have seen a dramatic decrease in ODR’s for this year (see graph). We believe that our PBIS program has helped improve our school climate, culture, and safety, and look to keep growing next year.
PBIS Impact
PBIS has continued to improve Vista del Sur Accelerated Academy’s culture over the seven years we have been implementing it by focusing our attention on the positive behaviors students exhibit versus the negatives. In the past year Vista has seen a decline in the loss of instructional days by students who receive ODRs as well as having our data align more closely with the ethnic backgrounds of our population.
At Vista, our school mascot is a tiger. Our PBIS acronym is R.O.A.R. which stands for being respectful, organized, alert, and responsible. We recognize positive student behavior with the use of Power Paws and Tiger Tickets. Students can earn Power Paws, a reward ticket, that can be exchanged for prizes such as helping with morning announcements, sit by a friend in class and at lunch, and first in line at lunch, amongst many others. Once a year we survey both the students and staff to accommodate student interests for prizes. Tiger Tickets are awarded to students who go above and beyond the expectations at Vista. These students’ names are shared on the morning announcements and the students receive brag tags and other prizes.
One way that we track positive incentives is through the Tiger Tickets. The Tiger Tickets have helped to create a positive school climate over the last three years, which increased student achievement in the classroom and on district and statewide assessments. We had an increase in the Tiger Ticket recognition from 1277 in 2016-2017 to 1508 in the present school year through students representing R.O.A.R. (respectful, organized, alert , and responsible).
Our student’s academic efforts are demonstrated by the many recognitions Vista has received. With the release of the updated school rating based on AZMerit scores, Vista not only received an A label by the State of Arizona Department of Education but additionally scored within the top 4% of the state. In the 2015-2016 school year, Vista earned the prestigious National Blue Ribbon Award. Our students are in the top four percent of schools in the state that have earned an A label. Vista continues to provides students with opportunities to grow socially, emotionally, behaviorally, and academically in order to provide students with a well rounded education to set them up for success with college and career.
In order for our school to continue to grow year to year we look for ways to focus on what is best practices for all students (Tier I, II, and III). We have continued to use our previous Tier II interventions across the Vista campus culture. These programs consist of the mentoring program, peer mentoring program, check in check out (CICO), All Hands on Deck (academic and behavioral tracking with students of concern by grade level), student PBIS team, student of the month, and a consistent campus wide K-8 ROAR card (monitoring system for all students based on positive and negative behaviors). Our goal is to positively reinforce and use praise to correct to limit negative behaviors. Our focus is to also ensure communication from school to our families and community.
Through the mentoring program Vista has increased both the number of students being mentored and the number of staff members who are the mentees each quarter in order to help our Tier II students with their guidance in academics and with their behavior. In the 2017-18 school year we started quarter one with 4 students connected with 4 staff members and by quarter four it had increased to 10 students and 6 staff members within our mentoring program. Through the use of a school wide documentation form we are able to identify specific skills students need to have reinforced based on both their academic and behavior needs. We also consistently monitor and adjust to meet the individual needs of the students. These reinforced skills are built upon during community time. The purpose of the community time is to build a solid positive classroom community centered on skill teaching to support with continued implementation of PBIS, to be proactive to equip students with skills, in addition to building a consistent language across all grade levels (TIER I, II, III). Students will model aspects of ROAR and teachers will guide conversations following being respectful, organized, alert, and responsible. A new component that has been added to community time is a pairing up two different grade levels to share and support with the skills of the week. We started this with the Kindness Challenge and continued it periodically throughout the year to encourage positive relationships among students.
Through the continued use of PBIS with fidelity, and incorporation of proactive Tier I, II, and III supports, Vista has continued to thrive. The campus is consistently reinforcing positive behavior to ensure students not only flourish academically, but also become more well rounded emotionally. Our goal is for these behaviors to create positive effects that ripple through our campus and community.
PBIS Impact
Our PBIS team has worked diligently this year to continue to improve our PBIS schoolwide framework. We are proud of our PBIS growth and progress at Madison Heights Elementary School during the past 2017-2018 school year. We are even prouder to share that our data reflects that our PBIS program continues to improve and develop through coordinated teacher, student and parent teamwork. Positive outcomes in both school climate and student behavior are observable in a number of areas.
PBIS efficacy can clearly be observed in the decrease of Problem Behavior – Multi Year from 329 office referrals in school year 2016-17 to 246 this 2017-18 school year to date. Teachers are observed to be constantly applying the flowchart with fidelity, which allows students an opportunity for correction prior to cycling into minor office referrals. In turn, students understand the steps within the flowchart and have an opportunity for self correction. Students have a clear understanding of expectations for positive behavior and are encouraged through positive reinforcement to make good choices in the classroom.
The Three Keys to Success; Respect, Responsibility, and Participation play a huge part of our school PBIS success story. Students are recognized daily for meeting these positive behavior expectations with a PBIS school wide “Shout Outs” each morning over announcements. Each day two students per grade level are drawn using Classdojo points from the previous week. These student names are announced over the school public address system and students come to the front office to collect and take care of “Eddie the Eagle” (our school stuffed animal mascot). Needless to say, students really enjoy the public recognition and work hard to be the one to care for Eddie the Eagle for the day.
The per day per month data decrease from 519 office referrals in 2016-2017 to 446 in 2017-2018 is a reflection of how the classroom culture is 100% focused on learning , positivity and creating a safe place for all students. We attribute these decreases to many factors such as PBIS Boosters focusing on targeted behaviors like “Respect” along with Stop Walk and Talk and PBIS rallies. We also have implemented PBIS brag tags this year. Grade levels create classroom goals for student to achieve via Classdojo. Once students have reached their goal, brag tags for the three keys are given out and the class all celebrates.
PBIS has been a true game changer for our campus. Students feel safe and teachers have a framework that guides and promotes positive behavioral expectations for our learners.
PBIS Impact
During 2017-18, Madison Camelview continued to focus on student behavior according to four expectations: Courtesy and Respect, Understanding Responsibilities, Being Safe, and Staying Organized (CUBS). Classroom teachers increased their previous use of Class Dojo to frequently, efficiently and consistently recognize positive student behavior, eventually awarding nearly 400,000 Dojo Points to their students by the middle of May. In addition, we increased the percentage of parents using Class Dojo from 72% in school year 2016-17 to 85% in school year 2017-18. This allowed staff to engage in meaningful two-way communication with more parents than the previous year, resulting in greater support and reinforcement from home. We also awarded brag tags for students who earned cumulative totals of 250, 500, 750 and 1,000 points. Support staff also recognized students’ positive behavior by awarding CUBS tickets, which were then turned in to administration for weekly and monthly raffles. Nearly 12,000 tickets were awarded to students as recognition for following CUBS expectations.
We noticed improvements to our school-wide behavior data, which we attribute to the action steps described above. Specifically, when examining multi-year data from 2016-17 and 2017-18, we experienced a decrease in Average Referrals per Month Per Day, most notably during six months: October, November, December, January, February and April. This is an improvement over the previous year, when our multi-year data from 2015-16 and 2016-17 showed decreases in Average Referrals Per Month Per Day in October, December, January and May only. We also experienced a decrease in ten Problem Behaviors between 2016-2017 and 2017-2018, compared to a decrease in only six Problem Behaviors between 2015-16 and 2016-17.
As we look forward to next year, we have already laid the groundwork to use technology to accelerate these improvements. Our plans include promoting even more widespread use of Class Dojo; using Google Forms to make our Check-in/Check-out process for Tier 2 and Tier 3 students more streamlined and user-friendly; and using a large collection of teacher-created video clips to demonstrate what our CUBS expectations look like as part of our training for students next year.
PBIS Impact
PBIS has positively impacted our school by implementing a variety of effective intervention strategies to successfully decrease negative behavioral outcomes on our school campus for the past four academic school years. Strategies within PBIS have enabled faculty to collaborate and effectively re-teach and model specific positive behaviors within our school system. Utilizing these approaches has helped our staff and students maintain a positive school climate where students feel supported both socially and emotionally. As a result of this program, students have been able to make positive choices related to both their academic needs and positive behavioral outcomes. Throughout the implementation of the intervention system our data reveals a positive trend in decreasing problematic behaviors within our school campus for the past four academic years.
PBIS Impact
PBIS has become a way of life on the Marana campus. We have seen a paradigm shift in the atmosphere on campus as a level of respect for the staff and students alike has become the norm. Students and staff open doors for each other, courtesy is an everyday staple on campus.
Students are responsible for developing PBIS promotions throughout the school year which has led to students taking ownership PBIS and thus responsibility for their behaviors on campus.
PBIS Impact
The PBIS framework is an active part of our school culture at Rattlesnake Ridge. The implementation and practice of PBIS has had a tremendous impact on our school climate. PBIS has given the students and staff a common language to clearly define, discuss, and demonstrate expected behaviors in various locations around campus. This allows us to not only make sure the students clearly know the expectations, but ensure the fidelity of the PBIS model among staff members. We regularly acknowledge and recognize students who are acting appropriately and making good choices. The students love this recognition and positive reinforcement. PBIS has created a positive environment, which has led to a decline in negative behaviors and lower rates of discipline incidents at our school.
PBIS Impact
Twin Peaks Tiger Cubs are “Respectful, Responsible and Ready to Learn.” Over the past decade, Twin Peaks Elementary School staff members have diligently worked to improve our Positive Behavior Intervention Supports program. Each year, we identify students who need Tier III support by looking at our discipline data. We develop an action plan to identify areas of concern and improvement by collaborating with the student, their family and teachers/staff. The cohort we focused on during the 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 school years showed a decrease in Office Discipline Referrals (ODRs) from 30 referrals to seven. Through our Tier III process, our PBIS team was able to identify and provide supports through appropriate student placement and resources. Since receiving Tier III interventions, some of these students no longer need Tier III supports and are successfully maintaining appropriate behaviors through Tier I and Tier II. PBIS has positively impacted our school by reducing student suspensions and increasing more instructional time. There has been less in-class disruption. This cohort of students has successfully engaged with peers, teacher and staff. These positive encounters have enabled students to build confidence, make and keep friends, and become leaders at our school.
PBIS Impact
Kino Junior High is in our third year of implementation with PBIS. We have expanded PBIS to reach out to the community and have had some amazing results. Kino is a Title 1 school serving a population that is 70% Hispanic, 47% English as a primary language, and 87% free and reduced lunches. A large number of our families live below the poverty line. Three local churches have become involved and have helped us to build a Kino closet, where any student/family member can come in and “shop” for clothing, food, or toiletries to make sure basic needs are met. Food boxes are sent home to those families in need on a weekly basis, and we have even increased some of the prizes we are able to give out to students for the end of week and quarter drawings! Overall discipline data has decreased for the third year in a row. In the 15-16 school year we were at 2508 total incidents. Last year we decreased by 42% with only 1459 total incidents. This year we decreased by 33% with a total of 977 incidents. That’s an average of less than one per student! Attendance continues to be on a rise up by .5% from the 93.0% we had last year. Tardiness decreased as well. Last year we were at 5.1% and this year we are down to 4.0%. Our parent and student surveys have shown growth in all areas except for one. While we are still waiting for growth data on our AZMerit scores for this year we do have our AZELLA scores. Our 7th graders with 2 or more years of data have shown 92% growth on the AZELLA test and in 8th 76% of the students who had two or more years of data showed growth. This is with a 56% increase in the number of students who were required to take the AZELLA test this year. Even though our numbers continue to increase they are showing growth. In our special education department, when looking at 8th grade inclusion students with IEPs, the SLD students showed much more growth on the STARS test (district benchmarks) than compared to their general education peers. We are working hard to combine the strategies and the tiered supports of PBIS with academics on our campus and are loving watching the growth we are seeing!
PBIS Impact
Our campus has been transformed due to the implementation and continued monitoring of our PBIS program. Over the past four years, ODR’s have decreased by 31%. Our climate/culture surveys have continued to grow in positive responses. The data we receive through proper documentation allows us to make data-driven decisions that positively change our campus. PBIS allows us to teach positive behaviors, remain consistent from classroom to classroom, and produces a positive mindset. Thank you PBIS!
PBIS Impact
The Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports system has dramatically changed the school atmosphere at Mountain Vista. Students campus-wide know the Mountain Vista Pride Expectations and have responded favorably to the positive reinforcement they have received from all staff members for meeting the school expectations. The monthly referral rate has decreased from last year by almost half in some months. Physical aggression and classroom disruptions have decreased in part to our consistency and continual reteaching of procedures and expectations and openly and enthusiastically celebrating our students’ behavioral successes. Mountain Vista’s commitment to developing practices to improve behavioral skills and scaffold students so that we continue to grow as an encouraging and inspiring learning community.
PBIS Impact
The Impact of PBIS at Desert View Intermediate School. PBIS has impacted our school in several positive ways. On our latest school survey students and parents believe that our school is safer and more orderly this year than in the past. Our average referrals per day per month are less this year than the 2016-2017 school year. Additionally, we have seen a dramatic drop in ODRs from 2016-2017 to 2017-2018. Overall PBIS has brought focus and clarity to our behavior program. Our students have shown a decrease in problem behaviors and a more positive environment for learning has been created.
PBIS Impact
At Emerson School we have seen many great changes since implementing our PBIS programs here at school. The first obvious change is the perception of safety and objectivity in rules and expectations. All students, staff and parents know the expectations as they are spoken every day in announcements, a part of our logo, and on signage in every part of the school. We have also seen an overall decrease in the number of office discipline referrals from last year to this year, which we attribute to more fidelity in our Tier 1 systems. Additionally, we are able to more specifically and quickly identify students in need of additional supports regarding behavior as we now make data based decisions. We are also happy to report that our disproportionality in office discipline referrals for students of color and our special education students has gone down from last year to this year as well. Overall PBIS has given us the tools to make informed decisions and to provide targeted interventions and supports from the group level all the way down to the individual level. All of this makes our campus more safe and able to focus on academic achievement.
PBIS Impact
Mesa Center for Success – East Campus is a public/private partnership school that provides for the academic and social emotional needs of high-risk children and adolescents. We believe that every child can and will learn. Our students are preparing to be 3 C Ready- College Ready, Career Ready, and Citizenship Ready. Our goal is to ensure that all students master the academic and social skills necessary for an independent and productive life. We create an Optimal Learning Environment that is well structured, instructional, safe, engaging, and responsive to students needs.
In our second year, PBIS has been essential in helping our school provide our students with an Optimal Learning Environment. At Mesa Center for Success-East campus, our students are taught to be “Responsible, Respectful, and a Role-Model.” PBIS has given us the framework in which to clearly define behavioral expectations, teach expectations, and acknowledge our students (and staff) when meeting expectations. Mesa Center for Success-East Campus displays high fidelity in implementing all the critical Tier 1 components as reflected on the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) scale scores. Within our PBIS framework, along with teaching universal expectations, we use data and the problem-solving process to provide students exhibiting a need for additional supports with evidenced-based interventions to help them be successful.
Since implementing PBIS, we have seen a reduction in the major referrals (e.g. Physical Aggression and elopement) to our Crisis Intervention Behavior Stabilization (CIBS) room, from last school year (2016-2017) to this school year (2017-2018). Additionally, we are seeing an increase in the percentage of our students responding to our Universal (Tier 1) supports from August to April as evidenced by a decrease in the therapeutic instructional time students require in the Crisis Intervention Behavior Stabilization (CIBS) room. These outcomes reflect an increase in student engagement in the classroom, an increase in the amount of classroom instructional time students receive, as well as supporting our students to the reintegration process with 10 students fully reintegrated to comprehensive campuses. Our staff work diligently to know our students and establish trusting relationships that promote academic and social emotional growth. As a result, PBIS has helped us to establish a positive school learning environment that welcomes each individual student.
PBIS Impact
Mesa Center for Success – West Campus is a K-6th grade therapeutic public day school that services high needs, at-risk students. Many of our students come to us with considerable trauma, social skill deficits, and learning difficulties. Our students will often present with unsafe behaviors that are unmanageable on a typical public school campus. At Mesa Center for Success-West Campus we have a no-refusal, no-explosion policy to ensure that all students have the chance to learn.
The Mesa Center for Success team has been implementing PBIS since the 2014-2015 school years. During the 2016-2017 school years we have incorporated trauma informed practices within the context of our PBIS framework. Positive behavior interventions and supports along with trauma-informed practices have completely shifted our climate and culture. Staff and student attendance rates have increased, teacher retention is on the rise, and visitors will often say our building just “feels good.” We have also had a reduction in crisis situations which has lead to an increase in a math, reading, and writing scores. Data shows that our students are becoming more emotionally resilient and utilizing the expectations taught through our PBIS framework.
This school year Mesa Center for Success – West Campus placed emphasis on preparing our 6th grade students for transition to middle school. Review of their Crisis Intervention Behavior Stabilization (CIBS) Utilization data for severe (major) behaviors (e.g. physical aggression, elopement, threatening, destruction of property, etc.) reflects a significant decrease in the rate in which our 6th grade students required use of our Crisis Intervention Behavior Stabilization (CIBS) room when comparing last school year (2016-2017) to this school year (2017-2018) and from month to month.
Implementation of PBIS within our program has helped our students to grow in their ability to stay engaged in class and practice the coping skills being taught in our program for self-management and self-regulation. In addition, implementation of PBIS along with trauma informed practices have had a positive impact on student reintegration and residential placement. Specifically, when comparing the 2016-2017 school year to this school year, we have seen an increase in the number of students who were reintegrated to a less restrictive environment and a decrease in the number of students who were placed residentially (in a more restrictive environment). Thus, implementation of PBIS has allowed our program to have the structure and positive learning environment in which to support students with intense needs and prepare students with the skills in order to successfully reintegrate into a less restrictive environment.
Mesa Center for Success is teaching students to be “respectful”, “responsible”, and “role-models” at school and within the greater community. During the 2017-2018 school years we have focused on increasing community partnership. We are supporting our families in creating PBIS expectations within the home. These wrap-around supports have lead to transformations in our students and our families.
PBIS Impact
Southwest Academy is a Private Therapeutic Day school that supports students with social/emotional, behavioral, and cognitive disabilities as well as students with autism and traumatic brain injuries. Southwest Academy’s guiding principle is “we will never give up.” We are deeply committed to developing innovative strategies for ensuring that the children in our programs are not left behind. We maintain high expectations for our students, in terms of both academic and social-emotional growth, countering the prevailing prejudices commonly found in the education of children with disabilities. We understand the necessity of preparing students for success in post-secondary education, in careers, and as productive citizens of a changing 21st century world. Our staff are dedicated to ensuring that our students are preparing to be 3 C Ready- College Ready, Career Ready, and Citizenship Ready. Students have the opportunity to volunteer and participate in community service experiences as well as job training, vocational experiences, and exploration of college programs. Our staff are trained in trauma sensitive practices such as ACE (Adverse Childhood Experience), Yoga for the Classroom and Mindfulness, and Zones of Regulation which provides our students with strategies to self-regulate their behaviors. Our goal is to ensure that all students master the academic, behavior, and social skills necessary for an independent and productive life. We create an Optimal Learning Environment that is well structured, instructional, safe, engaging, and responsive to student’s needs. The PBIS framework has given our school the structure in which to teach our students to be STARS by demonstrating Safety, Teamwork, Accountability, Respect, and being Scholarly. Southwest Academy displays high fidelity in implementing all the critical Tier 1 components as reflected on the attached Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) scale scores. Within our PBIS framework, along with teaching universal expectations, we use data and the problem-solving process to provide students exhibiting a need for additional supports with evidenced- based interventions. Since implementing PBIS beginning in the 2014-2015 school year, we continue to see overall improvement both behaviorally and academically. For example, Southwest Academy has had an increase in the number of students who have reintegrated back to their district school and an increase in the number of students who have graduated from the 2016-2017 school year to the 2017-2018 school years. Moreover, we have seen a reduction in incidents requiring crisis de-escalation among our life skills students. Implementation of PBIS has allowed our program to have the structure and positive instructional learning environment to support students’ academic and social-emotional growth. Ultimately our goal is to ensure that our students have the opportunity to reintegrate into their mainstream campus and be successful in a less restrictive environment. Our staff work diligently to know our students and build trusting relationships with each student; while teaching expectations and providing students with the necessary feedback (both confirming and corrective) to be productive academically and behaviorally. As a result, we find that our students are excited and engaged in the learning community at our school and we look forward to the continued success of our students.
PBIS Impact
At Holdeman Elementary School our vision is to provide a safe school community that is committed to excellence. We aim to attain our goals by providing equal emphasis on supporting both academic and social achievement. Student and staff behavior matrices were developed collaboratively with all staff during a dedicated summer workshop session. Identified expectations in all areas of the school were developed under the four tenets Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible and Be A Learner. Reinforcement and recognition for following our school-wide expectations is demonstrated by all staff who regularly reward students with “Positive Paws”. Students are then celebrated weekly at our school wide school pep rally through drawings and daily incentives in their classrooms. Our PBIS Committee supports our school-wide vision and goals by providing classroom teachers and staff with ideas, tools, materials and by sharing with colleagues updates from data analysis meetings. Knowing that PBIS success is dependent on the involvement of all stakeholders, our parents receive PBIS communications that include the focus for the month and strategies to use that align with our social emotional curriculum in our school newsletters as well as through Remind text communications weekly. Across our school, we provide student-level, classroom-level and teacher awards to recognize hard work and effort. Our master schedule is built to include a weekly 30-45 minute period for implementation of our social emotional curriculum (SecondSTEP®) and time for “Positive Choice Celebrations” (PCCs). Our focus on strengthening our implementation of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports has proved successful and transformational. To emphasize our work in positive interventions we took on the task of focusing as a staff on building relational connections to students. Our site was trained and adopted Capturing Kids’ Hearts® processes and tools which are intentionally designed to assist in building rapport and relationships with students to help them feel valued. That intentional positive intervention aligned with a specific curriculum designed to teach social and emotional skills has led to a 59% reduction in behavior referrals. Problem behaviors such as ‘aggressive acts’ have had a 17% reduction from 35% to 18% of the total referrals written for the year. Our commitment to focusing on student and staff relationships, continued positive interventions and celebrating academic and behavior successes with each of our students is making a significant difference across campus. We continue to strive to make progress in supporting our students’ social achievement. Through the work of our committee when analyzing our data, it was identified that one location in need of re-teaching and modeling of our Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible expectations is our playground. For the next school year we have partnered with Playworks® to provide our students and staff with tools with which to problem-solve and work well with others during “unstructured” recess time. Taking everything into account, it comes down to people and not the programs.
Overall, at Holdeman Elementary School our staff has fully embraced the concept of taking care of our students’ social emotional needs through Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, and they understand the importance of choosing to implement PBIS strategies and aligned tools. For that reason, our learning community is undergoing a positive and impactful transformation.
PBIS Impact
At Broadmor Elementary our mission is to nurture children, to promote greatness and to ensure success for each and every student. Broadmor is consistently at the top of the district for student achievement and our PBIS program plays an integral role in promoting an environment where these things are possible through school wide behavioral expectations, a multi-component student recognition program, systematic character and social skills instruction, tiered behavioral supports and a PBIS team that works to analyze data and solve any problems that may arise. We strive for students to Be Kind, Safe and Responsible in every area across our campus and throughout their lives. Students are taught what these behaviors look like in their school and are reviewed regularly to maintain consistency and keep the language common across our campus. This consistent language is observed on the walls, seen on our “Pawsome Tickets” and in the daily morning announcements seen by all. Students are rewarded for displaying these behaviors through tickets, weekly drawings for prizes, office and hallway displays and quarterly assemblies. Our PBIS program has helped us experience a marked decrease in both the number of Office Discipline Referrals and top behavior violations over the last two years. These events and a general focus on good choices help to promote a positive feeling across the campus. At Broadmor we are committed to success for every child and our continued focus and fidelity with PBIS will continue to help our school grow stronger and stronger each year.
PBIS Impact
At Arredondo Elementary School, we foster a safe, respectful, responsible and welcoming environment throughout our campus. We strive for students and staff to use their Lifeskills and Lifelong Guidelines to make Arredondo a great place to learn and work. The implementation of PBIS along with consistent adherence to the Positive Discipline philosophy has given Arredondo a common language amongst teachers, staff, parents, and students, thus allowing for a strong collaboration amongst all. We also offer Positive Discipline for Parents through the Tempe Elementary School District’s Thrive to Five program. Happy Grams are used to provide specific positive praise for students. Since the implementation of PBIS, Arredondo’s Roadrunners have embraced a culture that provides a strong sense of belonging, the right to respect, and the expectation for everyone to contribute to a positive learning community. Our teachers are the key component, as they have implemented these practices through effective and positive instructional practices that contribute to a healthy and rewarding school community. Our school is consistently increasing student achievement as measured by district and state assessments. Additionally, through positive behavioral practices, we have developed routines that focus on building relationships on a daily basis, hosting community involvement on a monthly basis, and providing every student with a safe learning environment. These systems have enabled us to maintain our PBIS program, while decreasing problem behaviors, despite being in three facilities due to renovations in the last three years. Our inclusive campus celebrates differences. Each week, students are publicly recognized for demonstrating their Lifeskills and Lifelong Guidelines at our Friday, all-school assembly. We involve every student in our positive school community. Staff members also frequently show appreciation to each other with Happy Grams, and positive shout-outs that are posted in a place for everyone to see. Arredondo is a place where we are all committed to modeling, teaching and reinforcing behaviors that ensure a positive community as measured by our Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports.
PBIS Impact
Our fidelity to the program continues full force by fully implementing Tier 2 and Tier 3 this year. This is quite a feat despite the fact that we have a new principal, counselor and MTSS Facilitator. Plus, 50% of our teaching staff is brand new to the school, with most of them in their first two years of teaching. Our behavioral referrals have dropped from 212 to 124 from 2016-27 to 2017-18. Our students on CICO and behavior plans show a positive increase in student engagement in the classroom with 72% meeting their goal on average throughout the school year. PBIS has made such a positive impact on our culture and climate over the past 3 years that our school was also included in the district’s “What Works” video series in the Spring of 2018.
PBIS Impact
The most important of Grijalva Elementary School’s morning announcements is when we say together, “Remember Grizzlies, being RRSK is not just something we say—It’s who we are and what we do!”
Every Monday morning, I meet with a group of parents to talk about issues important to our families and to our school. One morning in October, one of our new kindergarten families shared that she was helping her child solve a conflict with a younger sibling. The parent shared with me that she was grateful that we were teaching all students to be respectful, responsible, safe, and kind, because having this language gave her the perfect way to talk with her children about how they could be RRSK at home. Seeing our PBIS program impact families beyond our school walls validates our team’s hard work over the last four years.
PBIS Impact
This is our site’s 2nd year officially implementing our School-Wide PBIS with fidelity. While our school had many key aspects of PBS in place prior to these last two years, it was not until them that our site formed a KOI-Trained PBIS Leadership team to strengthen and, where needed, reconfigure our SWPBIS to be more comprehensive of best practices, including inclusion of all stakeholders and, most significantly, measured against and evaluated by consistent evaluation tools that are being used both across our district and districts across the state and nation. Our PBIS has had a very positive impact on our campus both in improving our school climate and our school safety. Further, PBIS has led to an overall reduction in school discipline rate, as well as in severity of issued discipline consequences. Currently, according to our internal district monitoring, only 1% of our student population exhibits behavioral concerns and – very significantly for our site as our district closely monitors discipline proportionality as it comes to subgroups – our school’s proportionality of discipline is equitable, according to our district-monitored metrics. As student outcomes and achievement levels are the driving force of our work, also important to note is that our school academic performance improved as result of improved discipline and school climate. Our most recent state assessments for AzMERIT (Spring 2018) demonstrate solid gains in academics in reading and math coming over the last three years’ data; in most grades and content areas, we are at three-year highs on passing rate over 2017 scores: 9th and 10th ELA up 5%, 11th ELA up 9%; Algebra I up 5% and Geometry up 8%. Only Algebra II had a small decline of 1%. It is our plan to continue our process of continuously refining and adjusting our SWPBIS to continue to improve its impact on our school.
PBIS Impact
Ocotillo Elementary began our school year with continued reinforcement of Tier 1 common expectations of students in each area of our campus. During the first week of school, every classroom viewed the PBIS videos and each student participated in the campus rotation, where expectations where modeled by staff and students in the hallways, cafeteria, restrooms, and the playground. Throughout the year, our social worker held a new student orientation each month to show the new students our PBIS videos and introduce our Bulldog Pledge. Since our initial implementation of PBIS at our school, we have continued to experience a decrease in office discipline referrals (ODR) and a steady increase in student achievement. In fact, for the first time, Ocotillo Elementary received a “B” rating from the Arizona Department of Education, indicating that we are a “Highly Performing” school! It is amazing to see our student achievement rise because of the additional time on task in the classroom. We are proud that our most frequent problem behaviors of defiance, disrespect and disruption have all decreased this year as well as physical aggression. We have increased the use of student think sheets, reflection sheets, buddy-rooms, and check in/check out with school staff and administration. When we emphasize the positive behaviors, both in the individual classrooms, and in the common areas, we utilize the student discipline system far less frequently. Our parent survey data shows that 94% of our parents believe our teachers and students respect one another. 93% of our parents believe their child is safe at our school. 77% of our parents believe students do not bully at this school. Our student survey data shows 90% of our students feel safe at our school. 93% of our students feel that the adults keep them safe at the school. 91% of our students believe the adults care about how they are doing. Ocotillo Elementary is proud to serve as a model PBIS school for our district, hosting meetings and walk-throughs with fellow principals, and serving on the district PBIS/Climate & Culture team.
2018 Bronze Awards
High Fidelity PBIS at Tier 1 + four months of student improvement data
PBIS Impact
San Luis Middle School has been using PBIS for the past 3 years and we have seen the change. Our teachers were skeptical at first but now we have veteran and new teachers both using PBIS strategies to deal with problem behaviors and improve learning time for all students.
School Wide PBIS built a strong foundation on which Tier 2 CICO and Tier 3 Intensive Interventions can thrive. All 3 of our PBIS teams are always communicating data and action planning for immediate results.
All I can say is that thanks to the awesome staff support, PBIS has found a place to thrive at San Luis Middle School.
PBIS Impact
The full implementation of the PBIS program has continued to have a positive effect on the Rogers Ranch community by developing, enhancing, and sustaining the cooperative climate and culture of our school. The addition of an SRO to our campus has bridged the gap between our community and law enforcement through personal interactions, relationship building, and law-related lessons. School wide data demonstrates a decline in disciplinary referrals, when compared to data of previous school years. As a result, there has also been a significant reduction in the number of instructional days lost and an increase in overall academic achievement. Additionally, the number of office discipline referrals our students receive is significantly lower than the national average among schools with similar enrollments sizes. Our PBIS program has provided our school with a common set of expectations, systematic set of procedures, and multi-tiered set of incentives in order to reach the emotional and behavioral needs of all students.
PBIS Impact
Pima Butte Elementary School is a K-5 school of approximately 500 students located in Maricopa, Arizona. It has a high academic achievement record and stable, consistent staffing. The community itself is transient, and as such, the school has seen some changes in demographics over the last several years. To proactively counteract the increase in behavior referrals, Pima Butte formed a team to bring PBIS to their school.
The 2017-2018 school year is the first year of implementation of the Tier 1 supports. Through the diligent efforts of the PBIS team, the conversations at Pima Butte are now focused on schoolwide expectations communicated with staff and students on a daily basis. The expectations and PBIS process is discussed at staff meetings, through emails, and in grade level meetings. This has created a common language for all staff members. The PBIS team also created a behavior flowchart for teachers to follow. This flowchart has helped teachers be able to define which behaviors should be handled in the classroom and which behaviors should be referred to the office. This has also increased the amount of teacher conversation and collaboration based on student behavior.
Within the classroom, teachers review the expectations with their students and use the same common verbiage thus providing the consistency that students need. Students are given PIMA PRIDE tickets for exhibiting positive behaviors and are recognized with weekly certificates and quarterly reward activities. Morning announcements are video broadcasted each morning from a classroom and rotates each day to a different classroom. Students in each class are reviewing the expectations and providing examples of what the expectations look like in various school locations and sharing that with their schoolmates. Students in each class are also brainstorming and sharing ways to solve problems that arise when students do not adhere to the expectations. These are student-determined problems, student-solutions, and student-directed sharing with their peers.
The result of this newly instilled culture is that the referrals are showing a steady decline and there are fewer repeat offenders. The Check In/Check Out system is being successful with our initial student which has reduced his number of referrals. We are confident that we will continue to see progress in our school-wide efforts as we implement more supports for specific students.
PBIS Impact
East Valley Academy and Crossroads Success Schools are an alternative school in the Mesa Public Schools. The Arizona Dept. of Education grants this designation for schools that serve students with credit deficiency, truancy, adjudication, and serious at-risk considerations including social and emotional traumas. Our journey with PBIS is in our second year with our focus on developing fidelity of implementation across the four programs at our campus.
PBIS has given our staff a visual reminder about focusing on the many great things our students do. We use PBIS tickets to reinforce behavior, attendance and academic achievement. Our student reactions have been mixed…some want to know what they are worth, others hoard them keeping them in their bags and still others generously give them to a friend who wants to buy a prom ticket or movie ticket. Our teachers auction prizes at the start of class: bottles of water, the teacher’s chair, a personal fan, the right to choose the background music or to choose partners. Our staff has bonded together to be creative about rewards and work together to create events for our students like movies, athletic events, dances and auctions. Overall, our students and staff enjoy the focus on positive reinforcement. Our graduation increased this year by 2%.
PBIS Impact
We agreed as a staff that we needed a school wide system of community and accountability. We chose PBIS. As a team we created our expectations and matrix. We created definitions for behaviors and revised them. We have a student incentive plan in place and have several levels of student recognition from class stores to donated prizes in PRIDE assemblies. Students all know and can state behavior expectations, teachers are recognizing appropriate behaviors and reinforcing them. Our parents know our expectations and support us. The local community is supporting us through donations for our PRIDE assemblies. Our academic results have improved, earning us a “B” rating from the state. We are only 3 points from an “A” and hope to achieve that this year. We believe that our efforts working with PBIS as a school played a large part in Field being recognized as an A+ School of Excellence this year. We are happy to report that we have reached a level of fidelity in Tier 1 that we have begun planning to start training and implementation of Tier 2 next year.
PBIS Impact
PBIS had a positive impact on Holmes Elementary. It gave us a common language across campus and common system with steps and interventions to be used with our students when necessary. Our behavior infractions declined as a result of our students having a more clear understanding of the expectations on campus.
Our students have thrived from the positive reinforcement given by staff when passing out PBIS tickets and following the 3-step process when randomly catching kids being good. The students are also highly motivated when working as a team, earning class tickets and being rewarded by choosing classroom incentives throughout the year, such as a class pizza party, water celebration or watching a special movie.
Overall, our school climate is much more positive as a result of implementing PBIS strategies. PBIS and the RTI model work well together helping us to identify specific and individual needs of all our students.
We have received buy in over the past 3 years from approximately 80% of our staff. One of our Kindergarten teachers had the following to say about our PBIS implementation: “My classroom dynamic is very positive and engaging because I focus on reteaching undesirable behaviors instead of just punishing. The result is a much more happy, balanced and positive environment where learning thrives.” Another teacher said: “PBIS is a constant reminder to me that students, like adults, deserve the benefit of the doubt and are more productive when provided with incentives and praise before punishments.”
As a school, we feel that being punitive does not change behavior, but PBIS does!
PBIS Impact
Mohave Valley Junior High has worked over the last year to establish a PBIS Tier 1 that is resolute in its fidelity and determination to make our ROCK (Respect, Ownership, Caring and Keeping Safe) part of the fabric of life here at MVJHS. We have required teachers to attend PD’s that specifically target relationship building and management techniques and those roles in the bigger picture of our PBIS/ROCK program at our site. Evidence of these focus areas is most notable with the difference in our overall referral rates between 16/17 and 17/18. In both years we had a PBIS program, but this year fidelity was the focus, and thus the difference. We have a refreshed school culture and climate where students and staff are recognized for positive choices and challenged to share good behavior choices with others- whether by example or verbally reiterating expectations that are posted school wide. Discipline has decreased substantially at MVJHS and we are reaping the benefits of students who understand behavioral expectations and a staff who supports their efforts in making good behavior choices.
PBIS Impact
Lake View Primary School has seen positive results with the use of the PBIS system since 2012. We have made advancement in the fidelity of the system we have built around PRIDE. Expectations are made clear to staff, students and parents throughout and ongoing during the school year. We have added a parent representative to the Tier I team which has given us many opportunities for communication and support from parents. We had a decrease in Violations system and Management with a new Dean at our school this year. We are proud of the last three years with an implementation average of 95% on the SET and an 89% on the BOQ this year.
Our ODR SWIS data has stayed relatively consistent because at a K-2 school it is all about teaching students the expectations for PRIDE, how to be a student in the public school system, and social/emotional supports that guide and teach the behaviors and responses needed to be successful.
We hold monthly PRIDE celebrations where students are awarded reinforcements for showing PRIDE. We do weekly reinforcements with STAR student of the week. Students are reinforced with prizes and a chair cover in class to recognize them. We do semester celebrations when our PRIDE glass case is filled with our feathers/tickets to recognize school wide success. These might consist of the students doing an activity with the Principal, competition with teachers, dances, or a treat.
The Team uses data drill downs to determine problem behaviors to work on. We define the problem, determine the solution, and track the results. We identified one area concerning good touch, bad touch as one of our problem behaviors. We had the counselor teach lessons around the subject. We decreased the ODR data for touching inappropriately. The team worked on issues staff brought to the team to support staff and students in fidelity to the system. We determined steps for crisis management, developed phone trees for support, and shared referral information to Tier III.
Using Renaissance STAR data we saw a significant decrease in below benchmark students from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. We started the year with 73% below benchmark and at the end of year we had 24% below benchmark for English Language Arts. Behavior does effect student achievement. We want students in class to learn.
PBIS Impact
Fireside Elementary School adopted PBIS as our school wide behavior support framework since its opening in 2012. As a community, PBIS supports our climate and culture of teaching our students to be upstanding citizens and create a positive and safe environment for all students to learn and grow academically, socially, emotionally and behaviorally. It is empowering to see how our students, staff and families reward each other for being Safe, Positive, Appropriate, Responsible and Kind (SPARK) in all areas of their lives. The common language used within our school allows for all staff, students, and families to understand the expectations and know the value of being SPARK. PBIS gives us the opportunity to reward student models while simultaneously redirect student behavior through proximity reinforcement. We can successfully support, reteach and respect students each and every day through the use of our PBIS framework. We have a dedicated team of representatives from each grade level and school administration that work conscientiously and purposefully to adjust our processes, review and interpret data, reflect on our practices, provide feedback to our students and staff, and communicate continuous improvements in our framework.
Consistently collected behavior data is an important tool we use to determine and inform our staff where student support is needed and helps ensure successful implementation of PBIS. We are then able to focus on the areas of the school and/or expectations that need to be retaught, determine which students would benefit from Tier II support, and continue to ensure fidelity of our SPARK framework school wide. As an A rated school in the state of Arizona, the implementation of our PBIS framework has positively affected our ability to protect instructional time which translates to high levels of student academic achievement. Additionally, through PBIS we are able to continue to maintain high levels of civility within our school. We credit PBIS for a huge piece of why students want to come to school and why our staff loves to work here. At Fireside, we are Safe, Positive, Appropriate, Responsible and Kind! We are Fireside!
PBIS Impact
During the 2017-2018 school year, Greenway Middle School had a successful implementation year of R.O.A.R. (Respect, Organization, Attitude, Responsibility). As this was the first year both students, parents, teachers, and staff experienced R.O.A.R. school-wide, the impact reached all levels. There were many highlights Greenway would like to showcase. Before the school year started, each student had a QR code created for their own personal R.O.A.R. points bank. The QR code made it easy for staff to give earned points, gave the students the ability to see how many they accumulated, parents were also able to see the points, and when students purchased items from the R.O.A.R. store, the staff could deduct the points. When the students arrived on campus for the start of the school year, Greenway Middle School did a three days of “ROAR”ientation. The purpose of “ROAR”ientation was to teach the students about the R.O.A.R. Matrix and what behavior the staff was expecting in each area. This gave the staff the opportunity to provide students with R.O.A.R. points and practice the correct verbage. As the year progressed the Greenway R.O.A.R. team’s meetings became more effective at identifying behavior needs and what interventions would work school-wide. One example of this was students transitioning into the classrooms. The intervention that was tried and successful was simple. The teachers started standing at their classroom doors and greated every student as they entered the classroom. Both students and parents began to notice a change in how staff interacted with them for the positive.
Administration was able to address behavior through R.O.A.R. and students were targeted for TIER II support. This decreases the negative behavior. The TIER II support started in December and that is when we noticed a decrease in student behavior. The Greenway staff all agreed that it was a difficult year but without R.O.A.R. it would have been unbearable. R.O.A.R. has given the staff, student, parents, and community members a way to show pride in the school and pride in each other.
PBIS Impact
Southwest Education Center – Casa Grande is a Private Therapeutic Day school that serves the academic and social emotional needs of high-risk students. We believe that every child can and will learn. Our students are preparing to be 3 C Ready- College Ready, Career Ready, and Citizenship Ready. Our goal is to ensure that all students master the academic and social skills necessary for an independent and productive life. At Southwest Education Center, we create an Optimal Learning Environment that is well structured, instructional, safe, engaging, and responsive to students needs. Implementation of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) continues to be an essential part of the therapeutic framework utilized in our daily programming. PBIS has given us the framework in which to develop clearly define behavioral expectations, then subsequently teach those expectations, and finally, acknowledge our students (and staff) when meeting those same expectations. At Southwest Education Center, we teach our students to be Ready to Learn, Respectful, and Responsible. We have used this school year to build upon past successes and modify elements of the program to better fit with our unique population and needs. One example would be a change in our high frequency acknowledgment cards that have been redesigned to allow for more personalization and increased information for students and staff. The “”R-Cards”” now cite specifically the 3 R’s of Respect, Responsibility and Readiness to Learn, and further remind students of where they were given the card and by whom. Since implementing PBIS at Southwest Education Center, we have continued to observe a significant increase in our student enrollment and a significant reduction in behaviors requiring crisis intervention. This school year our program has had a decrease in the percent of therapeutic instructional time students require in the Crisis Intervention Behavior Stabilization (CIBS) room each month for the 2017-2018 school year. Implementation of PBIS within our program has helped to increase student engagement in the classroom, thus decreasing the therapeutic instructional time students utilize in the Crisis Intervention Behavior Stabilization (CIBS) room. PBIS continues to give our school the structure that allows all staff to have consistent expectations, use a common language, be consistent in their intentional language when giving feedback, and consistent in their responses to student behaviors. This structure allows us to provide each and all students with an Optimal Learning Environment that promotes student academic and social-emotional growth.
PBIS Impact
Hudson Elementary School provides a respectful and nurturing environment committed to academic excellence and student success through a structured learning environment. At Hudson, we have some of the lowest discipline referral rates in all of the Tempe Elementary School District. Very rarely do we ever see double-digit numbers of office referrals. This is due to the strong PBIS program we have at Hudson, the amazing educators who work in the building, and the support from PTA and many other community groups and individuals. The implementation of PBIS has allowed us to strengthen and nurture the development of positive self-esteem through our PAX Leadership program. The PAX program is based on the Latin word, PAX, which means people have productivity and peace and they are happy and healthy. Each month students are nominated to be the PAX leader of the classroom. Another result of PBIS is the Positive Behavior Referral used by teachers to recognize good behavior in the classroom and around campus. The teacher fills out a simple form explaining why the student is being recognized that tie into our school-wide expectations including safety, respect, and responsibility. The positive referral is then turned over to the administration and family is called to share the comments. The student and the principal film a video announcement where the comments are read to the entire school and the student receiving the referral gets a coupon for a free kid’s meal at a local restaurant. The Hudson PTA also have a huge responsibility when it comes to PBIS. The PTA purchases Hawk (our mascot) Bucks that are given to students displaying positive behavior. Students are able to spend these Hawk Bucks at the Hawk Buck store. The Hawk Buck store is stocked and run by the PTA. This portion of PBIS is critical to the overall behavioral climate at Hudson. Hudson Elementary’s commitment to PBIS has enhanced and empowered the teaching and learning community in a positive manner. We consistently have some of the lowest discipline referrals in the district as a result of our PBIS system. It has also empowered students to be in more control of their behaviors. PBIS has enhanced our school community.
PBIS Impact
Here at Laird School we highly value our PBIS system and positive impact it has on our students. Laird School provides education for students from preschool all the way up to 8th grade so we have wide range of ages that need to be reached. At the beginning of the year each teacher goes over a powerpoint presentation that reviews the school’s vision and mission as well as the 4 main areas of focus for behavior. These are, being respectful, being responsible, being safe, and being ready to learn. The teachers ensure that they discuss what these would look like for each grade level. We positively reinforce the rules with the use of a ticket system. Our teachers are provided with green tickets that represent 1 dollar each to be used at our student store. Students can earn these anytime they are demonstrating one of our behavior expectations. As an extra incentive the Principal and Assistant Principal have special golden tickets that we hand out when students are going above and beyond with their positive choices. These tickets are worth 25 dollars to be used at the student store. Our student store is open every Friday morning for students from any grade level to purchase prizes. Our prizes consist of small toys, school supplies, mystery bags, backpacks, free dress down passes, and lanyards. In addition to our student store, our middle school teachers hold weekly auctions in their classrooms where students can use their green tickets to bid for snacks, homework passes, technology passes, and other various prizes. We also hold a monthly awards assembly in which we recognize students that have been showing exemplary behavior. Each teacher is required to choose 1 student from their class for this award and provide a small explanation for why the student is receiving this award. We then reach out to parents and invite them to attend our assembly to recognize the positive behaviors that their child has been exhibiting at school. Students get the recognition at the assembly and also receive an “out of uniform” pass for the following day. Overall our PBIS system has had a tremendous impact on our school, staff, and students. Our behaviors had a major decrease from the months of November, December, and January, to the months of February, March, and April. We will continue to make adjustments and provide new ideas so that our PBIS system can continue to provide our students with the structure necessary to have a behaviorally successful school.
PBIS Impact
Our mission at Frank Elementary School is we are a community of learners committed to academic success for each student. We honor the rich diversity in our school, for we know it is our strength. We have instituted a “school song” that incorporates our school-wide expectations. At Frank Elementary School our school-wide expectations of Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be A Scholar are posted in all common areas and emphasized in classrooms and on announcements each day. We have an active PBIS Committee that meets monthly and has representation from every grade level, special areas, our counselor and administration. Committee members consistently use an agenda, take notes and analyze our data, and use that data to drive decisions as to where duty teachers are staffed, implementing Tier II and Tier III interventions and so forth. We also share PBIS information with all staff at team and staff meetings.
Frank Elementary School utilizes PBIS each and every day around our campus and share it with families and the community. Frank Elementary School also uses the SecondSTEP program to address students’ social-emotional learning needs, and teachers work with students to develop skills of empathy, problem solving, how to calm down and how to be a successful learner. This is coupled with Frank Elementary School’s daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly PBIS incentives and rewards that motivate students to strive to do their best in meeting school-wide expectations. These rewards include using Panther Paw tickets to shop at the student store, honoring Perfect Attendance as well as Student of the Week and Student of the Month.
With this two-pronged approach, we have seen a shift in Frank Elementary School students being referred less to the office and being more successful in the classroom. We believe our students and staff strive to live up to our PBIS expectations and we have seen a decrease in office referrals in comparison to prior years, and an overall better morale from our staff and students. At Frank, PBIS is not only a program, but a way of living and learning each and every day.
PBIS Impact
The 2017-2018 school year was our Year 1 rollout. The PBIS rollout has positively influenced the culture and climate this school year. PBIS data was reviewed on a monthly basis. This drew attention to the areas of success and areas of growth. The staff’s level of buy-in grew as their knowledge and perception of PBIS grew. Many staff members who provided their thoughts on the framework echoed the success of the Year 1 rollout.
One teacher wrote:
My experience has been positive as a teacher. After years of focusing on negative behaviors, I had a chance to look for good behaviors as well. Semester 1 went well, but I noticed many students did not get cards (based on my number of cards going out.) For Semester 2, I wrote a card for each student and made sure throughout the Semester everyone received a card. It was successful and the students realized it was not a popularity contest. If given with sincerity the students will buy into the system. Overall, it helped me appreciate all the good things that were happening in my classroom and surrounding hallway.
Another teacher shared:
After the first year of implementation, I have realized that PBIS may actually work. I was very skeptical at first but tried to stick with the plan. After the first month and recognition by the administration, the students were actually talking about it. It really did impact some of the students. As time passed, I did slack off on handing out the cards. With a gentle reminder from the admin team, we picked it up and started moving in the right direction again. Overall, I think we, as a school, are moving in the right direction. Now we need to get carryover into next year.
Before PBIS, our number one discipline issue was aggressive acts. After our year one rollout, that is no longer the case. Before PBIS 3% of our student population exhibited behavior concerns. At this time only 1% of our student population exhibits behavior concerns. We will continue to work toward reducing any disproportionality of subgroups with regard to negative behavior and believe that PBIS will modernize this process. We also saw a decrease in our percentage of students who exhibit poor attendance, from 22% to 10%. We anticipate that by continuing to employ PBIS, with fidelity, we will complement our efforts to address behavior, attendance, and academic concerns.”
PBIS Impact
Acacia’s culture is positive, rigorous, and revolves on themes of kindness and respect for our school community. We strive to honor learning while celebrating “The Whole Child” daily. It is vital to us to sustain a positive climate where people feel welcome, included, and that they are a valued member of the Acacia family.
To sustain and build on our collaborative, positive, and safe culture, we adopted the School-wide Positive Behavioral Intervention & Support (SW-PBIS) initiative. Our PBIS initiative, “The Acacia Way,” utilizes three clear expectations for the behaviors: Use my words, Respect others’ personal space and all aspects of the Acacia community including myself. We are currently in our second year of full PBIS implementation. All staff (including our Head Start Program) are a part of the expectations and celebrations. The transition to PBIS was a natural one for our staff, families, and those who already attended a school embedded with positives, celebrations, and high expectations. We chose to adopt PBIS as a way to keep students on track academically, socially, and emotionally. It is the job of the whole staff to implement evidence-based behavioral practices with fidelity and accountability.
PBIS Impact
The vision of the Manzanita community is, “Together we: L.E.A.D: Learn, Engage, Achieve Goals, and Develop Character.” In order to implement our vision and promote student, staff and community ownership, we determined there was a need to establish school wide expectations. Prior to the implementation, we found our students needed an understanding of how to be respectful, responsible, and safe in all areas on campus. Through collaboration, surveys completed by all stakeholders, and behavioral and academic data analysis we developed our school wide matrix. The matrix focused our belief system as a staff, and provided a standard of expectations within the classroom, district transportation, and for common areas around campus. Throughout the year, we have targeted our professional development and interactions with our students to support the Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports System (P.B.I.S.). The implementation of the (P.B.I.S.) has created a school wide environment of ownership, accountability, and high expectations. P.B.I.S. brought a wave of positive change to our school.
Johnna Faust, Sixth Grade Teacher says, “P.B.I.S. has impacted our 6th grade students in a very positive way! Students are much more respectful and kind to each other. The classroom matrix as well as the school wide matrix encourages our student to think about their behavior all around campus and to choose positive actions over negative!”
Music Teacher and String Instructor, Jared Bowyer says, “P.B.I.S. has impacted my room by giving me specific vocabulary that aligns with the campus expectations to assist in ensuring my students are making good choices.”
Behavior Interventionist, Nina K. Lapine says, “I like that there are consistent expectations across campus and that staff is oriented toward catching students doing the RIGHT thing.”
Physical Education Teacher, Angela Budovsky says, “It has brought in school wide support for accountability of expectations in my classroom. I love the P.B.I.S. model.”
Kindergarten Teacher, Danielle Stowers says, “Students are speaking to one another in a respectful manner.”
Although, this program began as a focus on school wide expectations, we have found that students have developed a genuine drive to be respectful, responsible, and safe citizens in the Manzanita Community. P.B.I.S. has been a great addition to our campus and we look forward to the continued impact on our community.
PBIS Impact
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) have made an impact on our school campus this year in regards to our school wide expectations, tier I and beginning to look at our tier II students. Students and teachers know the three major school wide rules of Be Safe, Be Responsible and Be Respectful. Our Eagle pride tickets for catching students meeting school wide expectations have helped individual students make good choices in all areas of our campus. Students are excited to hear their name called on announcements or during our pep rally assemblies each quarter. To help build classroom community, we continued to implement our classroom eagle pride tickets. Classes can earn tickets for meeting expectations in the hallways, recess, specials, cafeteria, library, etc. Once a class has 15 tickets, administration will come in to their classroom with a wheel of prizes. Class prizes can be extra recess, bubble party, dance party, otter pops, etc. Every class on campus has spun the wheel at least 3 times this year; some have spun it 8 times! This year, we worked on improving our signage of hallway and playground expectations. We purchased better quality signs that will hold up better in our hot climate and can be seen from a distance. Our school’s PBIS team has become more data driven when making decisions on improvements on campus. We have drilled down in our data to who, what, when, where we are seeing behavior patterns and strategize on ways to improve. Our PBIS tier II team begun working on looking at students who are in Tier II and supports that need to be in place for them. A lot of work was done on creating documents for our check in check out process. The tier II team begun implementation in January of CICO to look at how the process would look at our school. Staff was trained on the process and a few students were put through it. Students seemed to respond well that were chosen for the program from looking at our data. A few students were added based on staff recommendation once they saw how well it was working for other students. Overall, our school has 98% fidelity in our Tier I and working towards refining our process for tier II students.
PBIS Impact
The Sunnyslope PBIS Committee continually collaborates to promote and foster a safe, responsible, and respectful community by modeling, teaching, and reinforcing positive behavior choices to ensure a successful future for all. We first trained our staff during pre-week and rolled out the philosophy of PBIS to our students through classroom presentations and accompanying lessons. These actions created a common language and common area expectations campus-wide. We held a rollout assembly, utilized positive behavior passports for students to demonstrate their understanding of the common area expectations, and ensured that those expectations were posted in high-visibility, high-traffic areas throughout our campus.
We leveraged district resources to produce training videos to complement our teaching system. In these videos and their accompanying lessons, students are shown positive and negative examples of student behavior choices within the common areas of campus. All of these actions increased our student and staff’s buy-in and fidelity to PBIS. Our implementation of PBIS at Sunnyslope has resulted in a decrease in disruptive behaviors in classrooms and common areas, along with a reduction in office discipline referrals from one school year to the next. We are down 139 incidents across campus from last school year (2016-2017) to this school year (2017-2018.)
We’re positioned well to continue the work of the PBIS Committee going forward into 2018-2019, further increasing our time used for classroom instruction and academic achievement. We will further improve our school’s culture, climate, and student safety by continuing to leverage school and district resources and maintaining fidelity to the Continuous Improvement Model: Planning, Implementing, Assessing, and Adjusting. We will consistently analyze and respond to data accordingly and continually come together to find ways to improve areas for growth that we identify on our campus.”
2018 Merit Awards
Beginning PBIS – Some Tier 1 fidelity
PBIS Impact
At Robles Elementary school, we implemented a PBIS system for the 2017-2018. We began by creating a focus of skills for our school of Respect, Open-minded, Accountability, and Responsibility. Our student council and our PBIS group helped to define the words and created examples of how these characteristics would look in different areas of our school. This was done with several assemblies, videos, pictures, powerpoint presentations, posters, and a multitude of verbal reminders to classes and one on one to students. When students met these expectations, they were rewarded with Bobcat Bucks. These could be redeemed for various prizes and/or activities at our student store. We also implemented a student/parent contract that created an agreement that students would show good behavior and excellent school attendance. In return, they would receive specialized end of quarter activities. We also took on a local Be Kind program to help create an overall school atmosphere of self-awareness and kindness to others. We enacted these systems through an introductory and follow-up assemblies, in addition to continual morning announcements reminders and staff reiterations. Throughout the school year, students enthusiastically participated in showing good behaviors and receiving Bobcat bucks.
PBIS Impact
One of the greatest areas we have seen improvement is in the collaboration between our teachers. There are so many decisions that need to be made as a staff related to our PBIS journey and our staff has had to come together and wade through difficult topics & conversations to determine what we truly believe to be best for our students. One of the best examples of this is how our teachers came together to re-evaluate our behaviors on the matrix to determine if some needed to be moved from “major” to “minor” or vice-versa. This helped our teachers to ensure that they were properly filling out our Office Discipline Referrals.
PBIS Impact
The positive impact of the PBIS program can be felt in every aspect of the culture and climate on the campus of Justine Spitalny Elementary School. The implementation of this program has transformed how staff and students view behavior and its impact on learning. Staff members have begun speaking about behavior expectations using a common language, and they are seeking to be proactive, positive, and consistent in their approach. The structure of each tier creates a clear, consistent, and transparent procedure for dealing with all levels of behavior. We are currently experiencing a fundamental shift in the way we understand and react to student behavior. There is no longer a reliance on the consequences of an office referral to change behavior, rather there is an effort to understand the function of behavior and provide the supports needed to help our students master the expectations. Behavior is now being viewed on the same continuum as academic achievement. There is not a one size fits all model, and a variety of interventions may be needed to help a student be successful. This change in how we now understand student behavior has resulted in more positive relationships between students and staff members, and multiple staff members are working together to provide supports to students in need. The change in how behavior is understood has also had a great impact on our students. The school-wide expectations are clear and understood, as well as the consequences, both positive and negative, for that behavior. This has resulted in students being more confident and becoming leaders amongst their peers. The program has also helped our students who qualify for Tier 2 and 3 interventions to understand exactly what their goals are and how they can be successful in meeting those goals. As we continue our journey with the PBIS program, we are excited and optimistic about the positive benefits for our staff and students!
PBIS Impact
PBIS has positively impacted Marc T. Atkinson Middle School in two different ways. First, we have begun implementing Tier 2 interventions in the form of small groups for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students. These students have been identified using the STSS screener; having the most in need students being placed into these small groups. Based on the SET, we saw significant gains in the implementation on Average score; we moved from a score of 57% to a total score of 84% overall. The largest gain was in the area of Reward System from an overall score of 0% in 2017 to a score of 100% in 2018. The SET scores can be attributed to the continued planning, professional development and professionalism of the PBIS Team at Atkinson. Their leadership has been instrumental to the successful roll-out and continued support of the PBIS program at Marc T. Atkinson Middle School.
PBIS Impact
PBIS has had a positive impact on our school because it has provided a way for us to set expectations and provides the tools needed to teach all students and staff these expectations. Together as a staff, we have agreed on the expectations and ways to reinforce them positively. We have created a team that is leading the way and provides opportunities for discussions using school wide data. This process will improve our effectiveness in sharing expectations with students and gives a systematic way to reinforce behaviors. It has provided a way for staff to use common language with our students. It also aligns with our mission and vision as it states that we are a community of learners where everyone accepts responsibility for their learning, decisions and actions while taking pride in their achievements. We are excited to to establish the thought that good behavior is cool at Dysart Elementary.
PBIS Impact
PBIS has positively benefited our school by providing more consistency and accountability among staff in regard to making behavior decisions. PBIS helps maintain a positive learning environment and creates a positive culture across both our campuses. It also brings consistency system-wide between both campuses. PBIS depersonalizes redirection and discipline and makes it more about the action/behavior rather than the student.
PBIS Impact
PBIS at Copper Basin has been incredibly positive in years past. We see through trends in our data and fidelity inventories that we need to refocus and reset for the upcoming school year. We have felt the effects of a lack of capacity at our site in terms of trained staff and committee involvement which we are utilizing the various data tools to action plan for a fresh rollout and reboot. Positive downward trends for ODR’s have been replaced by fluctuating numbers. Coming off of district provided training we are re-energized and ready to reboot PBIS at our school.
PBIS Impact
In the past two years Mountain Vista Academy has been implementing Positive Behavior Intervention Strategies School-Wide. As the District’s alternative K-12 school, students are referred to MVA for a number of reasons, including those with Emotional Disabilities for our ED-P program, students with conduct disorder for our BEST (Behavior Education Skills Training) program and CR (credit recovery) programs, as well as students who, in lieu of long term suspension are sent to our school. Mountain Vista is a new school that opened 2 years ago. Previously the students who attended alternate programs took little pride in their academics, behavior and their school. With the implementation of PBIS we have seen a drastic change in our student’s perception of school as well as their behaviors. Students take pride in attending MVA and proudly ROAR (are, RESPECTFUL, OPEN-MINDED, have a positive ATTITUDE, and are RESPONSIBLE) across campus. The school-wide expectations, ROAR, are taught across all areas of both academia and non-academia as well as being integrated into daily behavior charts and progress reports. Students receive ROAR tickets for displaying our school-wide expectations and proudly turn them in for our bi-weekly drawings. Through community and parental support, we have been able to provide a plethora of rewards that students look forward to receiving at our school-wide drawings. Assemblies have taken place that include games and prizes with a continued emphasis on teaching ROAR. This year we held a ROARi-intation as well as a JeapROARdy game. ODR’s (Office Discipline referrals) have decreased by 50% in the last year. As we continue implementing PBIS we look forward to seeing a significant increase in academic performance and a decrease in behaviors, both minor and major, for all students.
PBIS Impact
Laveen provides consistent positive behavior intervention supports to develop, reinforce, and enhance the positive climate and culture of our school. Over the course of the past four years, we have documented a decrease in our out of school suspensions as well as remaining below the national average from month to month. This has led to an increase in instructional days and academic performance. There has been an increase in the consistency of implementation of the PBIS matrix and vocabulary. Our PBIS program has provided a variety of supports that includes: behavioral flowchart; minor tracking form; check-in check-out process; mentoring; mind, body, spirit coaching; and counseling. We will continue to implement and look to make improvements with our systems in the coming year.
PBIS Impact
As we consider the many challenges our middle school students face today, what remains consistent and safe is our school, Madison #1. Self-esteem, academic pressure, drama, temptation, disappointment and/or rejection are some of the many challenges that affect their ability to learn and function on their day to day. As a PBIS school, we strive to build a positive environment in which every student feels welcomed and accepted. We do this through our PBIS structure that gives the students the consistency of the behavior expectations and the recognition of positive behaviors. Our staff has learned the importance to build relationships with students by their positive interactions that PBIS promotes. Even our most resistant teachers have now put value into our PBIS system and have collaborated to build their own grade level incentives to recognize positive behaviors. This is a “HUGE” win for our students. By utilizing our C.A.T.S expectations-Character, Accountability, Trustworthiness, and Safety, our students have a clear understanding of the expected behavior and our teachers can positively recognize them.
In comparison to last year, our referrals have increased, from 468 referrals in the first semester of 2016-2017 school year, to 1204 referrals in the first semester of 2017-2018 school year. We attest this to students being held to a higher standard and the teachers’ fidelity to the implementation of PBIS. As we conclude our school year we celebrate that we have met our PBIS School Goal, which was to reduce referrals by 25% from Q1 to Q4. We have strategically met this goal by identifying areas of need from the Big 5 Reports, PBIS members disseminate the information to grade level teams and work collaboratively to address the behavior needs of the students. Our school psychologist, social worker and school administrators provide interventions and supports as areas of need surface with the implementation of Tier I and now Tier II. We also celebrate “BIG” with our teachers and students. Students who have met the expected behavior goal participate in our C.A.T.S Celebration Carnivals and teachers receive an additional collaboration time each quarter. Our parents are informed and participate in the celebration.
PBIS has helped redefine our school culture and climate by instilling respect and value through positive teacher to student and student to student relationships. Our students have not only grown behaviorally but academically as well. Our school-wide AzMERIT data year to year demonstrates continuous academic growth in math and reading throughout our PBIS implementation.
PBIS Impact
PBIS has helped create a positive school culture for both staff and students at Butterfield Elementary School. Tier I school-wide evaluation tool (SET) implementation average was scored at 98%. The biggest improvements over our first year of PBIS implementation saw improved behavior and higher academic achievement. Overall discipline referrals went from 413 to 103 from the previous year. Our academic improvement on AZ Merit scores were evident as well. Grades 3-5 improved 6% on ELA scores and 11% on math scores from the previous year. High fidelity in the program is the reason why Butterfield Elementary School was able to show vast improvement.
PBIS Impact
The behavior expectations at Kerr Elementary have been identified. With this identification teachers are able to reinforce the vast amount of positive behavior choices students are displaying each day. Teachers have embraced seeking out behaviors that are desired inside the classroom and around campus. The overall climate and culture of Kerr Elementary has shifted into a more appreciative, respectful, and predicable community of learners.
PBIS Impact
Lincoln Elementary School is in the second year of school-wide PBIS implementation. Throughout this year we have seen an increase in teachers giving tickets to students for positive behavior and an increase in students being celebrated for making good choices. Student interaction between one another on the playground and around campus is overall respectful and positive. On our daily morning announcements, we have two students read a script aligned with our matrix and promoting positive behavior. Quarterly assemblies focus on students who have been respectful, responsible, and kind, in addition to students who have shown success academically. We have seen a decrease in ODR’s and an increase in the use of MIR’s by staff members. On our Spring 2018 Third grade AzMERIT results, we have seen a 12% increase in math and a 15% increase in ELA. Our Spring 2018 schoolwide Dibels has had a 10% increase. The overall school climate is one of caring and kindness that resonates through our staff and students.
PBIS Impact
PBIS has had a positive impact on Longfellow Elementary. Across campus the use of a common language and system of steps and interventions have helped to build a culture of positive expectations. We have had our incidents of office referred student misbehavior decline over the past two years due to our students becoming familiar with our expectations across campus. The use of our Falcon Tickets along with positive praise has helped our students to thrive and be inspired to be “caught” doing the right thing by following our expectations. This year we have added an additional layer of student incentives to help continue to motivate students.
Overall, the school climate is much more positive after shifting away from punitive discipline and shifting towards reteaching and reinforcing our behavior expectations. As a site we have been focused on meeting the social emotional needs of our students, and PBIS has been a natural fit. The use of the RTI model within PBIS helps us to identify and then work to meet the specific needs of all of our students. Looking at data on individual students we can easily identify that behavior incidents with 80% of our students have declined. This allows us to focus on providing individual support to our students who are in need of Tier II and III interventions. These targeted interventions including behavior plans, sticker charts, and time in the calm room, have helped to improve behavior of our tier II and III students.
PBIS Impact
Porter Elementary implemented Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) during the 2016-2017 school year. PBIS has given staff and students a clear and cohesive structure for understanding and implementing behavioral expectations. Building a culture of respect has been the cornerstone of our vision academically and behaviorally. In fact we aligned our vision statement to say, “Academic excellence is expected, possible and attainable by being respectful, responsible and safe.” As is the goal with any behavior plan, we wanted our students to internalize their actions and take ownership. PBIS has given students those tools. One of our sixth graders saw a kindergartener struggling to sweep sand he had thrown. The sixth grader came over and picked up the broom and assisted the kindergartener. When the aide gave him a ticket for being responsible, he said, “Oh, I don’t need that. I just did it because it is the right thing to do.” By collectively designing all aspects of implementation from the matrix to lesson plans, teachers are committed to the success of PBIS. Students are invested in PBIS because they clearly understand what is expected of them. This has created a stronger culture for learning by supporting our school-wide college and career ready system . We are an Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) Elementary school and PBIS aligns perfectly with our college and career ready vision. AVID is about taking responsibility for learning and PBIS fits perfectly into this. As our principal says, “Kids at Porter own their behavior. I have very little investigating I have to do.”
PBIS has changed student behavior at home and in our community also. Parents report their students are using their strategies at home. We even had a principal call from another school to say one of his students got a ticket from one of our teachers for helping an elderly person at a store. PBIS truly impacts our culture of learning by giving students a concrete way to learn and live up to Porter’s expectations.
PBIS Impact
One of the greatest impacts that PBIS has brought to Taylor is the change in adult behavior. All certified and classified staff now look at rewarding positive behaviors and reinforcing expectations. We have seen a change in our entire school culture. Everyone seems happy and we are all on the same page. Student voice was a focus this year. We surveyed students quarterly to get their feedback and make changes and or recognize what they perceived of as working well. In terms of hard data, our discipline referrals and repeat offender numbers are way down as compared to the past. We all buy in and see the positive impact of PBIS.
PBIS Impact
Camp Mohave has been in PBIS for a couple years. However, with some switches to team members and other district guide changes, we have not seen the decrease in discipline that we would like. However, we have used this year to improve our efficiency and action plan for improvement in the future. Using our librarian, organizing recess activities, changing monitoring methods have all been put into the plans going forward. Students are all familiar with the school-wide expectations and therefore any adult can ask them which expectation was not met. This clarity has helped with discipline of minor offenses and is being used to guide plans for next school year. The students are excited to receive recognition tickets (ROCK Tickets) because they can either use them for prize drawings or save them for purchases in the school’s ROCK Shop. PBIS has our arrows all pointing the same direction and with a year under everyone’s belt, we anticipate a great year next year.
PBIS Impact
PBIS, since implemented, has helped facilitate a decline in behavior incidents on our campus. This can be attributed to the culture that is instilled among all stakeholders. Its focus on positivity and identifying opportunities to reteach expectations are sound qualities that make this an effective program. Additionally, rewarding and praising students for expected and appropriate behavior works well with our primary-aged students. Office referrals have significantly declined when compared to the same months last year.
PBIS Impact
Shea is just completing it’s planning year, with implementation starting in 2018-19. The implementation team has led discussions with staff about the nature of PBIS and it’s research-proven methods for increasing on task and responsible behavior. This has brought to light some important perspectives about people’s strongly held beliefs that has helped us to craft a more effective implementation plan. We have already begun to implement PBIS mechanisms in the 2017-18 school year that will easily be adaptable once we implement the PBIS matrix in 18-19. Students received lessons on our Shea Values at the beginning and mid points of the school year and “Shea Sting” cards are passed out to students demonstrating desired behaviors. We also hold weekly drawings for students to increase their interest. We are looking forward to implementing a quality framework to create an environment for students that is more consistent, predictable, and fair.
PBIS Impact
PBIS has positively impacted our school be creating a more inviting climate for the students and staff. It has provided a common language for behavior and students feel supported by the staff.
PBIS Impact
Le Pera Elementary school has been positively impacted by PBIS by experiencing a reduction in the number of behavior referrals.
PBIS Impact
WES has been impacted by providing a structure to approach student behavior in a more proactive and less reactive way.
PBIS Impact
Carminati continues to implement PBIS, as we saw huge benefits with the full implementation to the school last year. The attitudes of staff, students, and community members in and around Carminati remains positive and upbeat due to the continuation of PBIS. Our staff and students are still focusing on being “Bucket fillers” and are rewarded for following the four school-wide expectations: Being Safe, Being Responsible, Being Respectful and Being a Scholar. Focusing on positive behaviors has lifted spirits and helped redirect problem behaviors. PBIS has given all staff a common language to use with all students. It has allowed our staff to reward positive and good behavior and build a community that includes students, teachers, parents and community. This year at Carminati the PBIS committee and the Student Council team have worked closely to ensure students and staff are aware of the PBIS expectations and are rewarded with items that are meaningful. This connection of PBIS and Student Council has given both the teachers and students a voice to determine what and how “Golden Ticket” winners will be rewarded, what will be sold at the Cobra Cash Store, and what the Positive Dress Down day themes will be. Along with the use of our Carminati PBIS Handbook which includes student and teacher behavior expectation matrices that allow students to monitor their own behavior and teachers to ensure they are using our common language, teachers are using Class Dojo campus-wide. Every teacher, staff member, and adult on campus has the ability to positively reward students with Class Dojo points. A main focus this year has been to get Special Area teachers committed to using Class Dojo and the improvements we have seen in behavior are astonishing. Teachers then use these Dojo points to reward with Positive Choice Celebrations and Alternate Dress Down Days. The PBIS Committee continues to meet monthly and looks at discipline data and behavior trends as well as plan celebration activities to reward those students who follow the PBIS expectations. Each month, we celebrate positive student behaviors at our Carminati Corral. It is a time where the whole school and community come together and celebrate students who have received Golden Tickets. As you can see, the continuation of PBIS throughout our school community continues to make Carminati a place “where all kids count!”
PBIS Impact
“Whatever It takes, we are college bound!”
Connolly Middle School, an AVID Demonstration Site as well as an A+ School has high academic and behavior expectations for ALL students and has been working towards implementing PBIS with more fidelity school-wide. At the beginning of each school year, students and teachers take a school tour and have mini-lessons in each area about the expectations of Safety, Respect and Responsibility and what each one looks like in that particular area (classroom, library, cafeteria, playground, gym, front office, hallways, bus loading zone). Posters with the PBIS expectations are located in each of the common areas. Connolly’s PBIS/Safety Committee completed the BoQ and concluded there is more work to do in ensuring we are communicating our PBIS expectations regularly to parents and holding booster sessions after major holidays (fall, winter and spring breaks) as well as creating a program for new students who join school mid-year. Connolly’s PBIS/Safety Committee (composed of teachers, classified staff and the School Resource Officer) meets monthly to discuss and analyze discipline data and make necessary changes to address areas of concern or adjust duty coverage. Staff use Bee Cards (which have the school-wide expectations listed) when they see students displaying any school-wide expectations and students can either purchase items with the Bee Cards or enter them in a bi-monthly drawing for incentives. Connolly also uses SecondStep, a social-emotional learning curriculum that helps students learn to be empathetic, handle a bully situation and respectfully disagree with an adult. We believe these lifelong skills are important to our middle school population and teachers use this curriculum to address the whole child. Additionally, Connolly Middle School has implemented a positive office referral for students displaying the school-wide expectations of Respect, Responsibility and Safety. A monthly breakfast or afternoon ice cream social is held quarterly to recognize students who have received a positive office referral. Connolly also recognizes staff for positive behavior in the Going Above and Beyond Award.
PBIS Impact
Curry Elementary is a school filled with a staff that loves our kids. Students walk the halls with smiles on their faces knowing that the adults around them care. They know Curry staff cares about not only the student’s academics, but also their well being. This feeling is reflected throughout Curry’s PBIS system that focuses on positive choices and treating each other respectfully. Teachers at Curry use the same consistent language when talking with students about their behaviors. Students are encouraged and reminded daily to “Be safe, be respectful, be responsible and take care of one another.” Students are given punches on a Cougar punch card when they complete their homework, show respect to their teachers or peers, and when they go out of their way to help other students who are in need. Each month they are able to cash in completed punch cards for items from the Cougar Store. Some items include folders, pencils, and erasers but they also have the opportunity to enter their card into a drawing for a larger prize (pizza party) or privilege passes. These privilege passes allow them to be first to recess or first in line to get their lunch. We use the Cougar Store as a way to reward those students who make great choices everyday and should be celebrated for their choices. We also use the Cougar Store as a way to motivate some students to start making more positive choices throughout the day. Curry’s PBIS is a simple strategy of praising the students for positive behavioral choices and helping guide students who need support in making positive behavioral choices. Our school wide PBIS continues to keep Curry’s ODR rate well below other schools of similar size, similar grade levels, and similar SES status. Curry’s average ODR rate is .19, which is significantly below other K-6 schools in the nation which have an average ODR rate of .31. Curry school is a family where we take care of one another and we practice that ideology as a staff and the students begin to see it and practice it as well. More than just a school, Curry strives to be a family where the students and staff all work together to take care of one another and help each other whenever possible.
PBIS Impact
At Fees College Preparatory Middle School (FCPMS) our mission and vision are an integral part of our school. Our mission is ‘We are committed to creating a school that knows no limits to the academic success of each student’, while our vision states that at ‘Fees College Prep, a diverse community of learners, consistently strives for educational excellence for all, in a safe and respectful environment. These two statements are fundamental as we discuss the implementation of PBIS in our school. At FCPMS students are asked to be on FIRE each and every day. This acronym ties into our school mascot, the Firebird, and stands for Fearless, Integrity, Responsibility and Excellence. Our school utilizes the Second Step program every Friday during homeroom in order to provide our students with social-emotional learning. Positively reinforcing behaviors on campus are an integral part of our success, which is done through the use of Golden Tickets, Positive Behavior Referrals, Friends on Fire Awards, and BonFIRE events twice per quarter. Golden Tickets are given to students anytime a staff member notices a student being ‘On FIRE’ and exemplifying school-wide expectations. These Golden Tickets can be used at our Firebird Store to purchase items of each student’s varied interests, choices or incentives within the classroom. Positive Behavior Referrals are given by staff members who recognize students who exemplify positive behaviors on campus. Each time a staff member recognizes a student, parents are notified of their child’s success and the student is asked to come to the office to be recognized by the Principal. The Friends on Fire Award is an opportunity for students to place merit with fellow members of their student body who are demonstrating behavior that is ‘On FIRE’. These Awards are turned in to either the Assistant Principal or the TOSA who then meet with and honor the student who has demonstrated exemplary behavior on campus.
BonFIRE is a student earned invitation, in which the event varies each time it occurs. Each month our PBIS committee meets and analyzes our school-wide discipline data in order to modify and adjust our practices in order to better meet the needs of our students.
PBIS Impact
Getz PreSchool (a special needs preschool that services over 350 students per day) is a vibrant place of learning for all students. PBIS has been introduced in all of the classrooms to ensure that a common language and signals are used by all to reinforce the positive behavior expectations of Being Safe, Being Respectful and Being Responsible. These expectations are reinforced inside and outside the classroom. Posters were created, and posted around the campus this year by our PBIS committee, with staff input, using the developed language. PBIS has yielded many positive outcomes. First, our classroom level expectations are more straightforward so students have been able to follow along easily. Behaviors are well-defined and posted in the classroom. The result has been more consistent, positive messages across all classrooms from teachers, support staff, and anyone else visiting our amazing school.
We have also integrated our social-emotional learning curriculum into our PBIS expectations and are using it in the language of our IEP goals. This continuity of vocabulary and expectations provides continued reinforcement and understanding. We have an active PBIS committee (including teachers, psychologist, administrator, PBIS Coordinator and Program Coordinator for Family Resources) that meets monthly to identify trends and have discussions about how to make our PBIS program stronger. We are also working on ways to engage our parents and families and to share this information. Parents are reporting that their children are using the PBIS language that we have taught them at home and that is evidence that the PBIS program is working. Lastly, staff has experienced students making connections to the expectations resulting in a more positive and safe environment for all.
PBIS Impact
Rise Up, Be the Change / PBIS at GMS. Gililland Middle School Roadrunners are rising up to be the change. We are implementing our school-wide PBIS Matrix and our adopted Capturing Kids Hearts (CKH) Program creating a nurturing atmosphere at GMS. Positive Behavior Interventions Supports, PBIS, empowers our students, teachers and staff to Give Respect, Make Responsible Choices, and to use Safety Always. PBIS posters are displayed in all areas of our campus to remind everyone of our expectations at GMS. As a component of the CKH initiative, each teacher facilitates students in creating a classroom social contract to promote a self-managing and respectful environment. Drive Dollars are an incentive used to reward students for doing good deeds and following the PBIS Matrix. Students go shopping using their GMS currency in the Drive Store every Friday. Our teachers work diligently to continually monitor and adjust our programs to build a cohesive learning community. At GMS two students from each grade level are recognized monthly as a Student of the Month for exhibiting stellar citizenship. Students who excel academically are recognized for being on one of two Honor Rolls quarterly in a school wide assembly. Every four weeks, students who have exhibited appropriate GMS behavior (fewer than 10 tardies to class and no in or out of school suspensions) earn the opportunity to celebrate by being invited to the PBIS Party. We strive to educate our students socially, emotionally, and academically to be successful learners at Gililland and beyond. Our weekly Second Step program focuses on a whole student approach by teaching social and emotional skills. Our committee of teachers meet regularly with district support to analyze data supporting the success of PBIS and Capturing Kids Hearts. We adjust and revise our programs making the necessary changes to ensure students’ success at GMS. Together, we will rise up to be the change of the future!
PBIS Impact
PBIS has positively impacted Scales Technology Academy in many ways. Through PBIS, teachers and staff have established consistent practices for teaching expectations, rewarding expected behavior, and responding to unexpected behavior. First, teachers and staff regularly model school expectations with our Procedure Parade and through repetition and reminders. Clear expectations are posted in the hallways, cafeteria, and bathrooms. Students also get involved in this process by creating music videos to reinforce expectations in the hallway, on the playground, and in the classroom.Additionally, we have developed clear and consistent rewards to reinforce positive behavior for students, such as our “Power On” reward tickets that can be redeemed in our student store for prizes. We have also developed rewards for whole classes that follow behavioral expectations. Once a month, we hold PBIS assemblies to recognize students who practice exemplary behavior and invite parents and their siblings to attend. Furthermore, teachers and staff have developed and implemented consistent practices for redirecting students who are not following expectations. For example, most teachers and staff use the 1-2-3 Magic system to keep track of behavioral issues. After three infractions, the student completes a digital think time reflection sheet. Our behavior and academic interventionist analyzes the data to see what behaviors occur most frequently. Lastly, the PBIS Committee meets regularly to discuss the effects of PBIS and to analyze behavioral data. Through observations and analysis, the committee has been able to recognize areas of weakness, and to brainstorm ideas to address them. We can see that these reward systems, coupled with clear expectations and procedures, have helped teachers and staff to stay consistent and positive, and to hold students to high standards. As a result, students and staff at our school strive to be respectful, responsible, safe, and scholarly every day.
PBIS Impact
As Tempe Academy of International Studies began the 2017-2018 school year, our goals were to reduce the number of infractions throughout the school and also focus on strengthening teacher and student relationships. The approach used to reaching our goals were to make clear the expectations we have of our students in the beginning of the school year and also to recognize students for the positive behaviors we were seeing from them. We used the entire first week of school and a homeroom time on Friday(s) throughout the year to communicate those expectations. Some of the resources to help with relationships included Four at the Door, Top 20 Teachers, and student IB cards. Four at the Door requires teacher to stand at the door for every class as students enter and say students’ names, make eye contact, shake hands or give knuckles, and speak from the heart. Top 20 Teachers is a program which helps teachers between understand classroom climate and making student connections. Top 20 Teachers comes with activities for teachers to lead class and help build a positive and team atmosphere in their classrooms. The IB cards are for teachers to nominate students for demonstrating one of the following characteristics which are part of the International Baccalaureate program: Inquirer, Knowledgeable, Thinker, Communicator, Principled, Open-Minded, Caring, Risk-taker, Balanced, and Reflective. Students were issued these cards by their teachers and accolades were given to the student during morning announcements and a copy of the card was placed on the cafeteria wall for the school community to see. Our school is also exploring Restorative Judge to complement our school culture. We invited a trainer from Washington D.C. to come and speak to our students, staff, and parents. One of the big take-aways from the training was the use of community circles. As our PBIS Committee met throughout the year, we looked at putting in school-wide practices, expectations and communicating those to both parents and students on a regular basis and making data-based decisions for students who had many ODRs. A few recommendations for the following year to improve Tempe Academy’s PBIS program at our school include: 1) having the PBIS team establish a clear mission and purpose; 2) clearly define the disciplinary process in narrative form; 3) consistently share the monthly disciplinary data with faculty at meetings; and 4) develop rules/expectations and post throughout the campus. We know that with positive behavior and expectations, that our students and staff will be successful.
PBIS Impact
We foster a safe, respectful, and responsible environment where students are ready to learn at Thew Elementary. PBIS has brought a positive impact, providing a strong curriculum that includes character education and school-wide social skills with the addition of secondSTEP. Upon its implementation, PBIS at Thew has a designed structure for students and staff by, creating and following a student behavior matrix along with a discipline flow chart, staff expectation matrix, and classroom PBIS management plans.
The Thew PBIS committee meets monthly to assess discipline data and identify the needs of our students. Based on those needs, expectations are practiced and reviewed during morning announcements. What makes Thew unique is the positive impact PBIS has had on students, parents and teachers since its implementation. Staff has been trained to look for and acknowledge positive behavior of students. “Bulldog Bravos” are given when students demonstrate school wide expectations and expected on campus behavior. These Bravos can be used to purchase items students have requested at our PBIS store on Fridays. Added to this, students also have the opportunity to earn Positive Referrals when they are seen showing the 4 B’s: Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible and Be Ready.
When staff writes a positive referral, those students are celebrated during morning announcements, and an administrator makes a call home to notify parents of this accomplishment. The positive referrals are then put into a raffle where those students that are drawn eat lunch with the principal. Parents are sometimes caught off guard and pleasantly surprised when they find out a school administrator is calling with positive news. It has been a nice reminder to everyone at Thew that there is far more positive that happens on campus, and positive referrals are one way we communicate that to our families. During the 2017-18 school year Thew staff exceeded our goal of writing 500 positive referrals. Overall, PBIS has helped Thew Elementary School to meet its vision of Building Futures…Every Child, Every Day.
PBIS Impact
Since Ward’s Inception in 2006 we have had a working PBIS program entitled PRIDE. The PRIDE program stands for Preparation, Respect, Integrity, Dedication and Excellence. The implementation of this particular PBIS program at Ward is based on the ideal of heightening our ability and refining our attitude to achieve excellence. Our positive discipline plan is based on the belief of reinforcing what children do well. When children are fulfilling the behavioral expectations of the school, they will be informed and rewarded with a blue PRIDE ticket. Children can then save up these tickets and then redeem them for lunch with the principal, a visit to the prize box, dress down day, a spin on the Wheel of Wow, spend them at the Blue Ticket Store or other additional recognition opportunities. This year we have redeemed over 25,000 blue tickets through our PRIDE program. Ward believes that when the PRIDE expectations are taught, modeled, and consistently reinforced all children have the capacity to follow them and therefore be successful. We are in our second year of using the Second Step Social – Emotional Learning Curriculum. We have noticed a growth in the student’s coping ability with a variety of strategies being used. Additionally, we now have a common language used across all grades and curriculum by all staff. This allows for open, concise and productive conversations between staff, students and parents.
PBIS Impact
The implementation of PBIS at Aguilar is bringing about more and more positive collaborative supports between parents, students, and teachers. Our school has chosen to invest in the social, emotional, and physical value of play by utilizing the Playworks curriculum. The Playworks training has given many older students the opportunity to lead younger students in structured play activities which has led to improved behavior during recess during our fourth quarter. Playworks has also given teachers positive and engaging strategies to use both in the classroom and during transition times. In addition to implementation of Playworks, our school website also now shares PBIS information with parents and the community. Also, surveying parents, staff, and students continues to provide the PBIS team with valuable information to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of PBIS at Aguilar. These results are assisting the team with identifying growth goals. As a PBIS Team, we have been making data-based decisions to try to reduce discipline referrals and provide FBA and PBIP plans for students who have had multiple behavior problems and are needing Tier 2 and Tier 3 supports. We replaced our old PBIS posters with new ones to better display our consistent and concise expectations in a more engaging way around the whole school. We created and implemented the PBIS Positive Referral to provide another unique opportunity for us to recognize students with positive behavior. While in our second year of using the Second Step social – emotional learning curriculum, we have noticed growth in students’ use of coping strategies and a common language used by all staff across all locales. We are excited about our progress as a school this year, and we are looking forward to future growth as well.
PBIS Impact
At Nevitt Elementary School students pledge to take care of themselves, take care of others, and take care of this place. Nevitt incorporates the program Capturing Kids Hearts. Through this program, our students strive to be an asset to the school and correct their own behaviors. It is typical to see students helping each other when in need, using positive language when talking about or to a peer, and showing compassion for their classmates. Students are able to self regulate using checks and fouls, as well as the skills learned in the Second Step (our district’s SEL program). Staff members hold students to the highest of school-wide expectations: Be Safe, Be Respectful, and Be Responsible and with that, the students rise to the challenge. Students are praised for their positive contribution to the school by receiving Nevitt Knight Golden Shields which are posted in the main hallway for everyone to admire. When assessing data, Nevitt’s PBIS Committee evaluates trends and patterns monthly. Data is shared with the staff monthly, and our school has seen a decline in student referrals ensuring that our PBIS program set in place is successful. Our students are simply the best and we are extremely fortunate to be able to help shape their minds and hearts on a daily basis.
PBIS Impact
Fuller is a neighborhood school of just under 700 students. We are a National Blue Ribbon school and have had many successes in academics over the years. We have also experienced several changes in leadership over the past few years and consistently implementing our PBIS system has varied over the years based on these leadership changes. Improving the PBIS systems at Fuller is something that is a priority in the upcoming year. The staff has come together and realizes that we need to do a better job of supporting what PBIS systems we have in place, and looks forward to refining, enhancing, and improving those systems that we are missing or that are simply not as effective as they could be.
We have found success with inclusive school wide practices of behavior expectations. These successes include the use of golden tickets, positive office referrals, and the golden tray award for cafeteria behavior. Our golden tickets and positive office referrals reinforce the school wide expectations of “Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful, and Be a Scholar”. There are specific behavior expectations for areas around campus, and the golden tray award reinforces the cafeteria behaviors. Winners of the golden tray and golden tickets are announced each week on the announcements and can receive awards (prizes), and recipients of the positive office referrals receive a falcon to hang in the office to showcase their positive behavior choices, as well as earning a reward certificate and prize. Behavior expectations are taught to students throughout the year in classrooms and through videos created by our students for our students, and posters including school wide expectations are hung in areas throughout campus to remind students of the correct things to do no matter where they are. We have seen the benefits of these posters, and next year we hope to expand our posters by adding them to each classroom.
We utilize the second step program to teach behavior expectations and social-emotional skills to all students across all grade levels. Second step also helps us provide a common language to use across campus. After completing out Benchmarks or Quality, we see the areas that we can improve in, and have a plan to begin working toward increasing our effectiveness in the areas that we are lacking. One area that we will focus on improving next year is staff and student input, as well as improving our staff and student incentives and motivators. We have already created surveys to be given out at the beginning of the year to staff and students to gather their input as to what incentives they desire, and how we can make the systems we have more desirable and effective so that we have high levels of staff participation and student motivation. We realize that in order to be more effective we need to have input from everyone and we need to ensure that what we are doing is highly motivating to everyone so that they want to participate in making our PBIS program and our school a more successful place than it already is. We look forward to systematically improving our PBIS so that it is more reflective of what we value and what a great place Fuller Elementary is.
PBIS Impact
At Wood Elementary School there is a common language in place for students to be safe, be respectful, be responsible, and be a learner. These PBIS expectations are displayed throughout the Wood classrooms, hallways, and common areas and are directly taught to the students in the natural location during a campus tour every quarter. Furthermore, students are educated on social-emotional learning once weekly through the schoolwide implementation of the SecondStep program. New to Wood School for this school year were two programs, Capturing Kids’ Hearts and Playworks. As a Capturing Kids’ Hearts school our teachers use relationship building models to develop high-functioning and inclusive classrooms. Students develop a classroom social contract, share ownership of reinforcing appropriate behaviors, affirm one another, and feel valued in our classroom settings. Playworks training has allowed for our recess staff to provide a recess with increased safety, inclusive games for all children, effective transitions, and healthy play. Students are recognized for following the expectations daily with specific praise, PACK tickets, and positive behavior referrals that reinforce the desired behaviors. With PACK tickets, students may redeem prizes weekly at the school store or contribute to a class collection of tickets for a class prize. Wood teachers and administration regularly communicate with parents when students are demonstrating the PBIS expectations. Parents are notified of every positive behavior referral and are invited to the monthly PBIS assembly when their child is going to receive recognition. In addition, the staff remains just as communicative with parents through our tiered PBIS discipline system – which includes Think Time, Positive Choice Academy, and when warranted, Office Referrals. The PBIS Committee at Wood meets once a month to review existing Office Discipline Referral data, to determine trends, and to collaboratively develop suggestions for continuous improvement to our school-wide PBIS. At Wood school we are continuously striving through reflective practices and data analysis to improve our PBIS in order to continue to grow our school into a safe and wonderful place to be.
PBIS Impact
PBIS has positively impacted our school because it has helped to minimize disruptions and maximizes time for teaching. Students and staff are aware of behavioral expectations in each area of the school. The students know what a Blenman Eagle should look like and act like in the areas of how to be kind, be respectful and be responsible. We now have a common vocabulary, common strategies and common goals for each of our students. Students look forward to our ” Hip Hip, Hooray! Time for a 3-B award today!” moments when we pull tickets out of the bucket throughout the school year. This year we moved from a “C” rated school to a “B” rated school!
PBIS Impact
The school year of 2017-1018 was a very successful year of PBIS at Catalina High School. This academic year, we saw a huge increase in teacher and student PBIS buy-in/ ownership. This is evidenced by increasing our PBIS tickets redeemed from 495 tickets in the 16-17 school year to 1578 tickets during the 17-18 school year! These tickets were used for weekly student and teacher recognition on the intercom, small reinforcements from our new PBIS Store, and larger quarterly prizes at pep-rallies. After collecting staff feedback during the spring of 2017, we revised our school-wide PBIS Expectation Matrix which was rolled out at the beginning of the year. We also provided each teacher with a new classroom PBIS poster that teachers requested to help them focus the large matrix down to the classroom level. Our new posters were printed in color and laminated before they were placed in classrooms and all common areas of the building. During the 2017-2018 school year, our team also revised our behavior flowchart and minor behavior tracking system. The revised flowchart, coupled with implementing a Positive Intervention Classroom (PIC), allowed us to use PBIS as a vehicle to reduce ODR’s and suspensions. Our Catalina PBIS team looks forward to continuing our positive momentum and results in the coming 2018-2019 school year.
PBIS Impact
PBIS has a wide-ranging purpose to improve effectiveness, efficiency and equity of schools. PBIS improves social, emotional and academic outcomes for all students, including students with disabilities and students from underrepresented groups. Many students are not coming to school prepared with the social and emotional skills they need to be successful in the classroom. Disciplinary measures and zero tolerance policies are not effective in the long term. However, an atmosphere in which positive behaviors are developed, modeled, recognized and expected, students can mature into highly effective citizens, both at school and in our communities. PBIS is implemented by TUSD at all our schools by establishing common expectations, communicating and encouraging consistently, and with ongoing reinforcement and recognition, creating a positive safe school climate to maximize academic success. At Palo Verde, we have our expectation matrix proudly displayed throughout our campus. Students are regularly rewarded for their good behavior. Our leadership team looks at the data monthly to discuss areas of improvement. As a result, we have a calm campus with a low number of incidents.
PBIS Impact
The staff members of Robison Elementary joined together to work over the summer revising the matrix, expectations, reinforcement menu, behavior flowchart and lesson plans to make this year a huge success! Our Roadrunner community knows what it looks like to be Respectful, Responsible and Safe within all environments at Robison. With all teachers, support staff, and community members on board, our Tier 1 school-wide program supports have shown an obvious reduction in behavior referrals from previous school years. This year’s positive climate created the motivation for our team to move forward with a plan for data collection and data analysis methods in order to further improve our solid PBIS support system for the Robison community during the upcoming school year.
PBIS Impact
Developing a Tier One PBIS model has been a whole school effort at Santa Rita High School. We have developed a strong PBIS team that has been integral part of developing key components of our PBIS system. The PBIS team has also been helpful in creating strong buy in by the majority of staff and students on campus. The creation of our Behavior Flow chart was a strong key to teacher buy with our PBIS program. We were able to establish teacher managed and office managed behaviors. This then lead to strong training opportunities for our staff and students. We developed a base line of ODR data. Then monthly discipline data was shard with staff. This was used in school wide PLCs to analyze classroom management strategies among our staff. Through these data analysis, we have seen a decrease in overall ODRs and an increase in student engagement in classrooms. We use our positive reinforcement system to target the 25% of students who have exhibited behavior concerns and class absenteeism. We have also developed quarterly award assemblies to reinforce positive behavior and academic achievements. One last feature of our PBIS program that has been successful is our positive reinforcement of staff. We have developed weekly and monthly reinforcements. This has given staff the opportunity to recognize each other as well as being reinforced for using aspects of our PBIS program. It is our hope that the continuation of the development of our strong PBIS program will continue to improve our students behavior, academics, attendance, and teacher moral.
PBIS Impact
PBIS has positively impacted our staff’s level of implementation of school wide expectations as well as buy in. Establishing the PBIS Leadership team has been a tremendous support in the implementation process. With this team we are able to carryout PBIS and the teachings of KOI in a manner that create fidelity amongst all stakeholders. At Lynn, we have established school-wide expectations in various locations. We promote awareness of these expectations each month with grade level PBIS assemblies and quarterly parent meetings. We have highlighted classroom managed and office managed behaviors in effort to reduce out of classroom referrals and to promote accountability in the classroom. At this time 0% of our student population exhibits behavior concerns. This is a tremendous success as we have significantly decreased behavior violations through strategic implementation of our PBIS expectations within the last two years. We are continually working toward eliminating disproportionality of subgroups with regard to negative behavior and believe that PBIS will substantiate this process. We will also begin to structure our PBIS to address the 20% of our student population who exhibit poor attendance which directly affects the 11% of our student population who demonstrate academic concerns. We strive to promote a campus where each student, staff, and faculty member can be recognized for their positive contributions to our mission and vision through our PBIS system.
PBIS Impact
This year we have undertaken the responsibility of creating a school-level team to lead our journey into implementing PBIS within our school. Our team began working on shared expectations for staff and students before the school year began in order to begin our year with a common focus to start off on the right foot. The PBIS Team went through the training during the school year to be sure the team was well informed of what PBIS is and how to start implementation next school year. With just a few of the pieces being started prior to roll out next fall, we were able to increase school safety and decrease office discipline referrals. In September of the 2017-18 school year, we documented 177 behavioral incidents with 83 students involved. By April of the 2017-18 school year, we were able to reduce the number of incidents to 56 with just 43 students being involved. This is due to the roll out of common expectations across specific locations at our school site along with holding students to a more consistent approach with behavioral expectations. The school climate as a whole has improved tangibly, teacher retention during the school year was improved from the prior school year. This was a direct function of the focus on consistency to routines, procedures and expectations as we moved through the school year and improved student behavioral supports. While there is still a great deal of work to do, we now have built the knowledge, plans, and necessary infrastructure to roll out PBIS school-wide in the fall.
PBIS Impact
PBIS has created positive climate of respect, responsibility and safety at Chaparral Elementary School. Our students understand the expectations of them in our five key areas of campus. They consistently model those behaviors for all to see and are positively rewarded with “Paw-some” tickets from our teachers and staff. In our second year of implementing PBIS, the impact of individual accountability can be felt by the calm and orderly atmosphere at our school. Students are self-correcting behaviors and encouraging other students to model the same behavior. In the classroom, we are seeing a positive difference in the climate of acceptance and openness to trying new things. Our students are responding to one another by praising and encouraging one another due to the modeling of PBIS characteristics by teachers. Therefore, the focus in the classroom can be on academics more than behavior. One of the biggest differences we saw between our first and second year of implementation came with a new administrator and a new position added to our campus. In the first year, our principal was the only one available to enter discipline data; therefore, only the major issues were recorded. In year two of implementation, we were able to have a full time discipline staff member entering every situation including quick conferences with students. From the data, we have learned where our focus areas should be concerning certain students and behaviors. We have also adjusted our schedule to allow our social worker to have allotted time with identified students who need additional support. With this data, we have also been able to begin our Tier 2 planning and be much more effective in the process.
PBIS Impact
The implementation of PBIS at Mountain View this year provided all students with behavioral expectations that were clearly defined, taught, and reinforced school-wide to encourage positive relationships and exemplary citizenship. This provided a proactive approach to prevent student behavioral problems in achieving social and learning goals. This year, students have been honored with our RISE- Respect, Integrity, Safety, Effort Hawk Bucks in addition to the quarterly recognition assemblies. Our data this year shows that at least 90% of our student population has responded positively to our Tier 1 implementation. Our clearly defined expectations, common language, and framework to provide positive reinforcement is something that we are proud of and has made a significant change to the student climate and culture on our campus. In years to come, we anticipate a decrease in office referrals and in increase in positive behaviors as we continue to build on our current framework. PBIS has been a tremendous addition to the Mountain View campus.